Chapter 25

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The hours slowly tick away while waiting for Luke and Leia to return.

The monotony is finally broken with 3P0, announcing, "Oh, General Solo, somebody's coming. Oh!"

Everyone draws their weapons. You unclip your lightsaber but don't ignite it. You can feel the familiar presence of Luke approaching. You just unclipped your lightsaber in the event there was something with him, you couldn't sense.

When Luke breaks the tree line, Han exclaims,  "Luke! Where's Leia?"

"What? She didn't come back?" Luke asks.

"I thought she was with you."

"We got separated."

Han looks at you.

"I still got a good feeling we'll see her again, but now we should go look for her." You reply, reclipping your lightsaber.

Han nods, and signals to a Rebel officer. "Take the squad ahead. We'll meet at the shield generator at 0300."

"Come on, Artoo. We'll need your scanners." Luke says.

"We should take 3P0 too." You say to Luke.

"Good idea."


You reach out with the Force as you, Han, Luke, Chewie, and the droids walk through the forest. You can sense the abundance of life. But still no sign of the Ewoks, the miniature bipedal bear creatures that help the Rebellion take over the Shield Generator.

After a bit of walking, you see the wreckage of the speeder bike and Leia's helmet.

"I thought you said you had a good feeling." Han murmurs.

"I still do," You say, reaching out with the Force, in case you might be wrong. You're looking for her, like how you looked for Han and Luke on Hoth.  "She was here. There was another...not an Imperial. She left with them."

"Are they friendly?"

"Hard to say."

Chewie makes a sound of interest.

"What's that Chewie?" Han asks.

Chewie is pointing at a piece of meat that's hanging from a tall wooden stake.

"I don't think this is a good idea." You say, but Chewie isn't listening.

When everyone gets there to see what Chewie found, he grabs the meat.

"Why-" Is all you can say as everyone is snapped up in a giant net, and flung into the air.

When the residual bouncing stops, you are aware that you're now in a tangle of limbs, and your face is in someone's chest.

Chewie howls his disappointment.

Han removes a Wookiee paw from his mouth. "Nice work. Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach.

"Will you take it easy? Let's just figure out a way to get out of this thing," Luke says.

You feel the net swaying. You're now aware that someone's knee is in your back.

"I could use Forse Repulse, but nobody will like the results." You say, to yourself. As you attempt to get ready for the inevitable drop, when R2 cuts the net.

"Han, can you reach my lightsaber?"

You hear the high-pitched whirr! Of R2's circular saw, and 3P0's protests.

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