Chapter 4

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Your throat goes dry as the door slides open. Expecting the worst, you get prepared to say the old standby of, "I'm sorry, I was looking for the Refresher."

You step into the room.

"Woah." You breathe shutting the door behind you.

The room is a treasure room of stuff. Works of art line the walls, except for one. That wall is a floor-to-ceiling transparisteel case, showcasing assorted weapons.

Upon closer inspection, there are multiple lightsabers on display.

"Just like I remember." You whisper.

The feeling that led you here, is by far the clearest it has ever been. You had found the source. Now you just had to figure out which lightsaber had been calling you.

After a bit of deliberation, you pick the one in the middle. (However, you picture it.)

Now, one thing remained. How to get it out of the case, without, hopefully, setting off an alarm?

But that's the challenge. You don't have any tools, and you don't want to risk a return trip.

What do I do? You practically have your nose pressed against the case. You're close enough that you could reach out and take it if it wasn't for the half an inch of transparisteel.

That leaves one thing. I try to use the Force to break the case.

You step back and try to relax. Calm your nerves, and lower your heart rate.

Like you've been doing this whole time hunting for the saber.

You focus on the lightsaber.

First practical exam.  You think, but don't let it override your nerves. Just acknowledge it and accept it.

You raise your dominant hand, towards the case but not touching it. Your fingers are outstretched.

Then the lightsaber wobbles on the stand.

You move into a ready position, once it comes to your hand, you're going to head for the Rendevous site for Han and Chewbacca.

The lightsaber wobbles some more.

You try to maintain your relaxedness. If you struggled with it, you might not be able to obtain your prize.

The lightsaber shoots off the stand, slamming into the transparisteel!

You bite back an exclamation, even though it purely surprises you it moved that much.

Unfortunately, it doesn't have enough momentum to bust through. Instead, it falls to the bottom of the case.

But there is some good news. The lightsaber hilt has caused several cracks to form. It starts at the impact spot and spiderwebs out.

"Oh come on!" You hiss angrily. "Time for a non-Jedi approach."

You hurry to a stone bust on a pedestal. It's of some noble, politician, for all you knew it could have been of the city dog catcher. Anyway, it's light enough for you to pick up and heavy enough it would do the job.

You carry it back to the case and smack it like the spider you saw in the shower.


The transparisteel erupts into broken shards, spraying out and into the case.

You drop the bust.

A new question arose. Do you grab two lightsabers or just the one you heard calling you?

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