Chapter 41

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Several months pass, during that time, your mom lives with you and Armi.

After getting set up on Coruscant,  Charlie got his knee worked on. He opened up his pizza shop, in the Senatorial District. Later on, he joined the New Republic Army as a Reservist.

Han and Leia got married, you and your family attended.

The results came back from the vial of blood Din had taken from your evil side. According to the strenuous tests, the sample has been administered by the New Republic, the sample was a perfect copy of the bio information they had on file of you.

Everything from hair and skin cells, blood type, down to your toenail clippings. Was a perfect match.

The one separating factor was eye color.

While your eyes are (E/C), your evil side's eyes had yellow irises and red scleras.

It was nice to know that you hadn't fought some joker in a holo-disguise.
But it reminded you of the conversation you had on the second Death Star. Galen Marek was right. They are cloaning Force Sensitives.


You and Leia are standing on the bridge of a New Republic Diplomatic Transport.

The hulking form of the Imperial Remnat Prison ship, The Dead End looms in the view screen.

You and Leia are here to negotiate a prisoner swap.

While the swap takes place, you're going to search the ship using the Force, to try to find your dad. He was last seen on The Dead End.

Waiting in Hyperspace is a small contingent of New Republic ships, awaiting orders to drop out. There are a few fighters a personnel carrier, and your ship. On board the carrier is a strike team, composed of Jedi Healers, and Padawans who are training to become Healers. They are there in the event the swap goes sideways.

"The Ambassadors request permission to board." The captain said, over the transmission.

The request goes through, and the ship begins docking procedures.

"I don't know how I feel about this." Leia says.

"I agree. Something is off but I can't put my finger on it. But it's not necessarily a bad feeling." You say, watching the approaching ship through the view screen.


Meanwhile on board The Dead End your dad, his cellmate, and a few other prisoners have been plotting for the past few months to take the ship.

"Jax, you alright?" Your dad asks, looking up from the smuggled-in data pad.

"I'm feeling something I haven't felt in a very long time." Jax Re'dinn, a blue-skinned, Twilek, former Jedi Padawan, says. Looking at a wall in their cell. Even though there's no windows, his gaze could easily bore a hole through the wall.

"What's that?"

"The light side. I can sense hope."


You take a deep breath, as the ship docks in the hangar. You see the awaiting battalion of Storm Troopers and Imperial Officers.

You reach out with the Force.

You can't sense him yet, but you do sense a being that's at the least Force Sensitive.

The connection is weak, but it's still there.

"Leia," You whisper, as the ship lands and the ramp descends. "There's a Force Sensitive on board."

"I sense it too," Leia whispers back. "If we can, we need to rescue them and bring them back to Coruscant."

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