Chapter 5

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Shaak Ti, waits a moment before telling you to right yourself. From what you can tell, she's wearing the same thing from The Force Unleashed.

"I - uh - the Force - and - um…" is all you can manage. It's the feeling of meeting an honest-to-the-stars, Jedi Master that's making you tongue-tied.

"Lightsaber. Grakkus the Hutt." You unclip the lightsaber and flip it around, so you'd be offering the hilt to her.

"You recovered the lightsaber from Grakkus the Hutt's collection? And you felt it calling you through the Force?" She asks with a nod. Her voice is gentle and soothing.

You clear your throat. "Yes ma'am. I was able to move it to break it out of the case."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Earth. It was invaded by the Empire…about two months ago…I think, honestly, I've lost track of time."

"Do you hate the Empire?"

You take a deep breath and slowly exhale. "I find this a difficult subject. On one hand, I'm aware of what they do to those they deem an obstacle. I am aware of how they view non-humans. But!"

You pause for a moment then continue. "I am conflicted because they are just as much a part of the Force as you and I. Even if they don't view me with it, they as an individual, still have value."

Shaak Ti takes a moment to ponder what you said.

If she doesn't want to train me, I'm going to respect it and go find another teacher. You think.

"The Force is strong in you, though I still sense confusion…I sent my Padawan Maris, on an errand and she won't be back until the end of the week,"

Your heart pounds against your ribs hearing this.

"If you wish, I can help you to be more open to the Force until she returns."

"So you'll train me?" You ask.

"Not exactly. You see Jedi aren't supposed to take on more than one Padawan at a time. Think of this as more what you would have gone through at the temple, instead of an actual Padawanship."

"I would like that ma'am…I mean master." You say with a smile.

I can't believe it! I'm going to be a Jedi one day!!! You think excitedly. If you were back on Earth, you would have gotten your favorite celebratory food and drink for that night.


After touching base with Han and Chewie, you begin your training. It works out that the parts for the *Falcon* wouldn't be available until the end of the week anyways.

After a few lessons on the nature of the Force, and how to sense it at will, your lesson on using a lightsaber begins.

You hold the lightsaber out in front of you. You take a deep breath and push the power button.

The blade springs forth, humming to life. It's your favorite color, with a white center, like any other lightsaber. 

You give the weapon a few test swings, feeling the weight and balance.

I am earning the right to use it. If I don't train, then how will I earn it? You think, pushing aside the remaining sliver of shame for having the weapon.

"I'm releasing a seeker ball now. It will move around and fire training blaster bolts. Don't worry, if one hits you it will only sting a bit. To avoid that, you need to deflect the bolts with your lightsaber." Shaak Ti explains.

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