Chapter 40

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"Teach her to do that, I did not." Says the voice of Yoda.

You open your eyes, you're in the Jedi Council chamber. Standing in the center of the circular room. On one side of you is Shaak Ti, and on the other side, is Anakin.

It's late afternoon on Coruscant.

That's odd. This isn't the current council. I'm on the current council. You think.

"But she was fighting to rescue her family, and she did bring down a Dark Jedi, without turning." Shaak Ti says.

"She's a reason why I came back to the Light," Says Anakin. "She defended me when I didn't deserve it. She also rejected the Emperor's offer to join him."

Blast. If Anakin is defending me, then I really must have screwed up. You think.

"But the use of Force Lightning, with malice, puts me on edge." Says the voice of Mace Windu.

So that's why I'm here. Don't tell me this is my conscious telling me off.

"Which she learned when the Emperor blasted my son, Luke," A soft smile briefly touches Anakin's lips. "And she got between them."

"She got between them?" Plo-Koon asks. "How so?"

"When Palpatine stopped to gloat, I got between them, so when he used the lightning again, I used my lightsaber to block it," You take a deep breath and continue, "I was about to finish the mission, Master Yoda, had assigned me. When I had another Force Shatterpoint. That's when I was overpowered."

You blink a few times processing this whole thing. "Okay, why am I here? I'm a member of the Council of the New Jedi Order. Technically, I'm in, Ki-Adi-Mundi's old spot."

"You're still trying to process your battle Young One," Shaak Ti says.

"So this whole thing is me trying to process it? I'm not actually on trial or something?"

"That's correct. All of us here, myself included are now one with the Force. That is except for you," She gently places a hand on your shoulder. "You have to go back. You're needed."

"But what about me using Force Lightning?"

"Learn to control your feelings before they control you. Otherwise, it will be harder to walk that fine line," Mace Windu says, "I speak from personal experience. "

"Form 7, Vaapad."

So this is part of the emotional fallout. I needed another Jedi that would understand.

The doors woosh! Open behind you, Obi-Wan speed walls in, his robe billowing behind him.

"Sorry, I'm late. Traffic was a nightmare. What'd I miss?"

"That I'm a council member, and I really should tell Luke what happened. Eh, might as well tell Leia while I'm at it."

"How's Leia?" Anakin asks.

"She's a Jedi Knight now. She just deals more with diplomacy and politics. Also, she ended Jabba the Hutt."

"That's my girl!" He says with a grin, pride iminateing in his voice.


When you awaken, you're in The Phoenix's med-bay. You're on one of the reclined beds. You hear the steady doop. doop. doop. Of the heart rate monitor that's connected to you.

There's pressure on your hand and forearm, that you don't wear your wristcomputer on.

You turn your head.

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