Chapter 36

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You and Charlie go back to the kitchen. You glance out the kitchen window above the sink, that looks out into the backyard.

Armi is playing with his cousins. There's laughter and cheers, as tossed bean bags slide across a wooden incline.

Maybe, just maybe, he won't turn out like the Sequels. He's not even old enough for his personality to be fully developed... You think. If I can keep him away from The First Order...

You watch the game.

Wendy and her husband, Kova La, a Nautolan, are team leaders.

Wendy's hair has pink streaks, in it. She wears a black leather motorcycle jacket, jeans and boots.

Kova wears something similar.

"Darn," Your mom says, getting your attention. She's looking in the fridge. "We're out of (anykind) milk."

"Why do we need (anykind) milk?"

"Need it for the (milk-based) pudding."

"Oh. I can get some."

"You don't need to, you're a guest."

"It's no big deal. I'll just get it from the grocery store we got the dessert from," You say, walking to the sliding glass door and sliding it open, "I just need to tell Armi."

It's Armi's turn to toss a beanbag.

He tosses the beanbag.

It slides across the incline and into the hole.

"Yes!" He says, doing a fist pump.

You clap for him.

That got his attention. You motion for you and him to talk.

"Something wrong?" He asks, jogging over to you.

"Nope, everything's good," You say, thinking, How do I phrase this without sounding like I'm trying to abandon him?

"We're out of milk for the (milk-based pudding). And I volunteered to run to the store. I'm going to the one we stopped at."

"Can I stay and keep playing?" Armi asks.

"I was going to ask you that. You can stay and keep playing if you want."

"I want to."

"Alright then, I won't be gone long and Grandma has my comlink number."


It's a quick walk to the grocery store. You pick up the (any kind) milk and a few other things that might be needed.

When it comes time to pay, you're met with the unfamiliar sound of your card being declined!

You blink, but the screen doesn't change.

"There's gotta be a mistake." You say, swiping your card again.

Card Declined

You put the card back in your wallet and pay with a few loose credits you have in case of emergency.

You're walking to the store's doors when you're met with a crashing wave of foreboding.

Woah, You think, touching your hand to your forehead. Been years since that happened.

You glance around the front of the store, and the parking lot, through the large windows. You don't see nor do you sense a threat.

But, the feeling remains.

Something is not right, and it's big.

You leave the store and start the walk back. You're halfway across the grocery store's parking lot when the feeling becomes more insistent.

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