Chapter 31

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The tour/inspection continues. The time since your revelation, you've been fighting a growing feeling of dread.

I need to somehow, get a copy of their data files. You think, How do I get alone long enough to do this? And how do I do that with this suit on?

You're wracking your brain trying to figure out how to do it when the tour pauses in front of a large transparisteel window. Inside, is a lab, showing the mass production of already approved vials. The vials are transparisteel, the virus glows a toxic-looking neon green.

I could swipe a vial. But then pockets and how to get alone long enough. I could in theory inject myself and get to the New Republic in time to-

You stop yourself right there. 1) It could affect you and you not even get to the ship. 2) It might not affect you because of being very much human. 3)Even if You're a carrier and it's just dormant. What if you ran into Chewie or Admiral Ackbar? Who knows what damage it could do to them?

You furrow your eyebrows in thought. How to get something so we can synthesize an antidote?!

You force yourself to calm down again.

"Could you let me see a vial of the virus?" You ask, wanting to try the simplest way. Have someone else get it for you.

"Why?" The humanoid asks.

"Random checks to see if they're being stored and transferred properly."

The humanoid opens the door to the processing lab.

"I would also like a Datacard of information about the virus. Symptoms, incubation, transmission, all the necessary stuff." You say.

You walk in and start looking over the trays of vials. Unfortunately, none are cracked.

You look over the computer screen displays, taking your time. Even if you have no idea what you're looking at, you still give the impression you're holding them to a high standard.

The humanoid at this time goes over to a different computer and gets you the datacard.

Now, to get the datacard to the ship. You think when the humanoid hands it to you.

You thank them and then hold the card in such a way, so it won't be so blazingly obvious when the camera footage is reviewed. Hopefully, when you're light-years away.


When the tour is over you change out of your hazmat suit. You stuff the datacard in the side of your boot.

"You were going to lunch, and you have no memory of our meeting." You say, releasing the humanoid from your Force Persuasion.

When the humanoid comes to, before they can speak, you say, "I was just looking for the refresher and took a wrong turn. I'll try a different corridor."

You turn and start walking towards the exit.

But, the Force has other plans.

You reach the intersection where you had bumped into the kid. No one is there now.

Instead, You're met with the ever-increasing feeling through the Force. That you have to turn the other way down the corridor, away from the exit.

I don't want to. You think, trying to force your way to the exit. I'm done here. There's nothing else that needs my attention.

You've got to turn. You're needed here! The voice insists.

You make a sound of annoyance and turn down the corridor. Remembering what happened the last time you'd listened to the voice. You made friends, you got a lightsaber, you became a Jedi. The voice tends to be right.

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