Chapter 19

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Once the training begins,  it's hit the ground running.

To begin, Yoda guides Luke in actually feeling and using the Force. You and Shaak Ti did this during your training.

So you won't be in the way, you go several feet away and meditate.

As you meditate, you feel a sense of general unease. But you can tell it's not coming from Luke or Yoda. And it's not from Leia, Han, and the others. You're familiar with feeling them through the Force.

This feeling is farther away than Han and Leia. It's distant as if it was halfway across the galaxy, but the feeling is still there.

It could be my family back on Earth, You think, trying to maintain your calm. No. It's not from Earth. You can feel the confirmation through the Force.

If it's not from Earth, and it's not Han and Leia, and it's not from Dagobah...then what's causing this feeling.

"Y/N, going to do a saber test, we are." Yoda says, breaking your concentration.

You get to your feet and unclip your lightsaber.

A flicker of fast-moving silver arcs through the air.

You immediately ignite your lightsaber and make several swipes.

A Silver bar land at your feet. The bar is in three pieces.

"Three? Not a Jedi yet, but well on your way, you are." Yoda comments.

You extinguish your lightsaber.

"Luke, your turn." Yoda says, using the Force to drop a new silver bar in front of him.

Luke ignites his lightsaber and swipes out.

The bar lands on the ground, in one full piece.

"The bar would be in seven pieces, where you a Jedi." Yoda says.

"I thought I had good reflexes." Luke says, eyeing the bar.

"Yes, but by what standard ask I? Forget your old measures, unlearn you must."


During the days that follow, while Luke goes through basic Jedi training, you receive specialized training.

Not because you're Yoda's favorite, but because you're further along in the training.

You also think about what you want to focus your skills on.  When you decide, you let Yoda know.

"Master Yoda, I've decided on what skills I would like to focus on. I want to be a Jedi Healer. But, I want to also increase my skills in combat."

"Teach you I can."

For your efforts you get the Galaxy's largest headache imaginable, trying to learn all there is to know about using the Force for healing.

These lessons consist of anatomy and physiology, just to start things off. These lessons are taught using your Datapad. On top of that, you're catching up on training Shaak Ti didn't have a chance to cover, and you needed more teaching than just what the Datapad offered.

It is the equivalence of Shaak Ti covering level 1, the datapad covering levels 2 and 3, and Yoda covering levels 4 and onward.

As for the actual application, you learn how to use the Force to do a small bit of healing, the equivalent of Bacta and a small bandage.

Well I thought I wasn't progressing fast enough. This pace is just right. You think, eyeing the amount of Class and Homework on your Datapad.


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