Chapter 28

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You watch through the window behind The Emperor, the Rebel fleet is being decimated in blinding explosions of light and debris. You can feel it through the Force and it takes everything in you not to sit on the floor for a better concentration.

However, you do see that your ship is still flying.

We got this. The Rebellion will prevail. You think, using the Force to combat nearly overpowering waves of The Emperor's Sith Battle Meditation.

You can feel the Dark Side's influence growing. You can feel the anger growing in Luke seeing the Rebels losing the battle.

You can feel the conflict in Vader, and the gleeful pride in The Emperor.

The Republic, will. Be. Rebuilt!

"Your fleet has lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will will your friends."

The anger you feel in Luke is just below the surface.

"Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."

"Hold it!" Is all you can exclaim, as Luke's lightsaber flies into his hand. He ignites it and swings at the Emperor. Vader's lightsaber flashes into view, blocking Luke's blow.

You draw your lightsaber, to back up Luke as the unavoidable duel begins.

Blast it. Blast it. Blast it! You think, beginning your barrage.

Luke has become a better duelist since the last time you faced him. But the anger you feel coming from him scares you.

Before you can give a word of encouragement to try calming him, Vader counterattacks, effectively keeping you busy.

Luke pushes his attack, forcing Vader back. He places a well-aimed kick to Vader's chest sending him down the stairs.

Luke and you hold off on the attack for a moment,

"Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy! Let the hate flow through
you." The Emperor laughs.

Luke looks momentarily toward the Emperor, then to Vader, then to you.

"Luke," You say keeping your voice even. "I need you to take a deep breath. I love you. Please, don't make me have to fight you."

There's a pause, all you can hear is the whirr of electronics in the Death Star's core.

"You're right," Luke says, extinguishing his lightsaber. "I was using the Dark Side. I'm a Jedi, I'm better than this."

"Obi-Wan has taught you well." Vader says. You're not entirely sure which one he's talking to.

It's over Anakin, I have the high ground! You're reminded of Episode 3's duel on Mustafar.

You decide against saying anything, I just made a positive with Luke, so I'm going to shut my blasted mouth.

"I will not fight you, father." Luke says you can feel calm emanate from him. He was back on the Light Side.

For now, at least.

Vader walks back up the stairs to you and Luke.

"You are unwise to lower your defenses."

Vader attacks, forcing you and Luke on the defensive.

Luke leaps upward, doing a reverse flip up to the catwalk overhead.

You on the other hand just jump backward, taking a defensive form.

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