Chapter 26

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You let Leia know where you're going, and slip off for the Imperial Landing Platform before Luke has the big, 'I'm actually your twin brother, conversation with her'.

You hunker down in a thick mass of foliage and observe the landing platform. It's a warm night so for right now, you don't have to worry about being chilly.

You don't dare use the Force other than to shield your presence, for fear of it sending off a flare for Vader's attention.

Shouldn't be too long now...if I follow Luke and hide in the Cargo hold, I might be able to board the Death Star...

You continue to watch for Luke's arrival.

I do hope the showdown with the Sith, goes according to plan. I don't wanna have to fight a friend. And I especially don't want to have to fight him, then turn around and fight Vader and Palps...

"Y/N!" Luke says, kneeling beside you.

Apparently, your hiding place wasn't good enough.

"What are you doing here?"

"Helping you."

"Please go help Leia and the others, I don't want you to -"

"Hands in the air Rebel Scum!" Shouts a voice over the loudspeakers. Blinding searchlights land on you and Luke, leaving you nowhere to run and hide.

"The Force will guide us." Luke says, raising his hands in surrender.

"Let's just hope your father, sees reason." You say raising your hands in surrender.


For the second time today, You and Luke surrender your Lightsaber without a fight. Both of you are restrained by a pair of wrist stuncuffs and are led to the observation deck.

You eye the cuffs, having to stop yourself from prematurely freeing yourself. One smack of the Force and I'm out. You think.

The air shifts, and now you feel like you've been dropped onto Hoth without your winter coat.

Vader wants to meet with you and Luke.

You take a deep breath and clear your mind. I'm stronger than I was on the first Death Star. I am a Jedi Knight. I will act like one.

This makes it easier for you to push back the fear that threatens to overtake you.

"Lord Vader, These are the Rebels that surrendered to us. Although he denies it, and she's not talking. I believe there may be more of them, and I request permission to conduct a further search of the area," The Imperial officer says, handing him, yours and Luke's Lightsabers. "They were armed only with these. Also, sir, we found them hiding in the bushes."

"Good work, Commander. Leave us. Conduct your search and bring his
companions to me." Vader says.

The officer and the accompanying stormtroopers leave the Observation Deck.

I will be needing that back. You think, as Vader and Luke begin their conversation, where Luke tries to convince his father to turn back to the Light. Amazing, for once in my life I chose to remain silent. Also, can you get any more weirder by telling his father that I was hiding in the bushes with his son? If I was back on Earth, I would have died of embarrassment.

"I've accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father." Luke says.

"That name no longer has any meaning for me."

"It is the name of your true self. You've only forgotten. I know there
is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully,"

Please don't try his patience. I don't wanna have to rescue you before getting to the station. I will, but I don't want to have to. You think, remembering your broken leg. You subconsciously have to shake your head to clear that memory.

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