Chapter One

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Once Upon a Time, there was so many fariytale characters in a world called Enchanted Forest then there was a dark curse created by Regina (Evil Queen) that brought them into another world where these characters lost their memories of their past, in a town called StoryBrooke. This is a story of what happened. 

28 years later, there was a woman called Emma who had no idea who she really was, who her parents were, who her son was even though she gave him away when he was born. Her life changed forever, from the moment she met Henry, her son who believed in the fairytales that are real and Emma arriving into storybrooke. She didn't believe in anything at that time and she became friends with most people especially Mary Margarate (Snow White) who is really her mum but they didn't know that, neither did David Nolan (Prince Charming) Who is Emma's Dad. Emma and Regina didn't get on well straight away, always fighting over Henry but Regina was getting jealous and didn't like the fact that Emma and Henry were spending time with each other but in the end, something happened to Henry, it scared Regina and Emma, they thought he died untill Emma broke the curse when she kissed Henry's forehead and she finally believed. 

Regina had no idea what Rumpel's plan was, he was awake when Emma's name was mentioned. He knew Emma was designated to be a saviour and he waited for Emma to break the curse. He won in the end and Regina wasn't happy because that wasn't her plan.  Rumpel was the Dark One, his name in StoryBrooke was Mr Gold but in the past, he was just a normal man who loved his son Baelfire and his wife Marian but everything went wrong, there was a Ogre War coming, he was about to go but he couldn't, so he injured himself and he didn't want to leave his Son. Everyone started to call him a coward. Marian left him & his son. A While later, there was another war coming and he wanted to protect his son, so he went looking and suddenly became the Dark One by using the dagger and stabbing the other Dark One. That's how it started.. He then became the most powerful Dark One of all. He loved Power and magic, he has killed so many but sometimes, he does have a heart, he really loved a woman called Belle. He thought Belle died because Evil Queen told him but after the curse broke, Belle is alive and walked into his shop. Mr Gold was angry with Regina after he found out that Regina kept her hostage for 28 years. Belle had always belived that Rumple is a good man, behind the mask.. She has always been there for him, no matter what. They also got married. In the future, he found his son again and tried to build bridges with him, a while later, he died.. A Hero, he wanted to save his Father. Belle and Rumpel had a son together years later, then Belle and Rumpel went somewhere for a fresh start which was beautiful. Rumpel finally wanted to change and get rid of the dagger. Sadly, Belle died but in the end, Rumpel became a different man, sacrifice himself to save Hook and everyone else. He reunited with Belle in Heaven. Rumpel didn't have a good childhood, his parents left him and that is why it the way he was but he got his happeniess. 

Regina was the Evil Queen, she was also just a normal, lovely and innocent woman untill Cora (Her Mum) changed her. Cora wanted Regina to be like her and use magic but Regina doesn't want all that. She was quite happy to be working with horses and being with her new boyfriend. Regina met young Snow White, by saving her which was Cora's plan.. Cora controlled her. Regina wanted to get rid of Cora and didn't mind learning magic, she met this great teacher who was Rumpel, the Dark One. Everything was fine between Regina and Snow but Regina became evil because she blamed Snow White for betraying her secret (that Daniel the stablehand was her lover), Cora then killed Daniel. But Snow was a child, manipulated by Regina's mother Cora into spilling the secret. Cora also murdered Snow's mother so that Regina would then be queen. Regina then became the most powerful Evil Queen. She wanted to ruin Snow's life especially when Snow met her True Love, Prince Charming. She was really evil and hurt so many.

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