Prologue - New Boy

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"That's what he wants to find out, why the sweet, cute and nice boy is being feared by almost the whole town"


[Third person]

"Do we really have to move?" Vegas grumbled to his mother who had her eyes trained on the road and her hands clutched onto the steering wheel, but not too tightly.

Joy smiled at her son's words, and although she gave a reply, she didn't look at him.

"You know we have to dear," she responded in a soft tone.

Ranong wasn't a town that they had planned to leave at all. It was a town that they thought they would stay in forever. It was a nice town to settle down in, and apart from that, it was a friendly town, meaning Joy and Vegas had been attached to so many people, especially Vegas.

He was that person that everyone wanted to be friends with, that person that liked surrounding himself with people. Vegas had so many friends in Ranong, friends that he liked seeing daily.

He wasn't pleased with this move at all but, it was his final year of high school so it wouldn't matter anyway. He'll just sleep through the whole thing and be done and go back to his friends in Ranong.

Simple enough. 


"We have a new student today."

Vegas groaned. His mother didn't have the sympathy of letting him stay home after only moving into town the previous day. She insisted he go to school the very next day so he could catch up even after a tiring day of moving boxes around their fairly big apartment.

"Please come to the front and introduce yourself," the teacher of course said the very thing every new student dreaded, smiling at Vegas who was seated at the very back of the classroom.

He gritted his teeth and frowned, knowing that he couldn't avoid the situation so he stood up from his chair and made his way over to the front of the classroom.

He stared at all the faces in the room boredly for a second, before letting out a little cough.

"What's up?" he said, which caused few chuckles from the other students. "I'm Vegas."

The day's lesson started right after and Vegas, not really in the mood to learn, proceeded to bring out his earphones from his bag. He plugged them into his phone and put a bud in his left ear.

He knew that he was in a classroom and the teacher would be able to catch him which would lead to a lot of trouble but he was someone that didn't really care about consequences. He did things that he thought to be right and didn't bother thinking of what would come of it.

His scandalous behavior caught the attention of a lot of students in the classroom. Especially that of Tawan, the self proclaimed hottest boy at the school.

He turned his attention away from the teaching to stare at Vegas, amazed slightly at the risk he was taking.

Vegas was blessed with good looks, a factor that he was at least thankful for.

Apart from Tawan, there were other people in the classroom who had taken a liking to staring at him.

He smirked a little to himself, knowing very well that he was being admired.

"Hi," Tawan said, keeping his voice at a minimal level since his chair was slated closely besides Vegas's.

Vegas turned his attention away from his phone to look at the boy. He studied Tawan, from his light brown hair to his brown eyes.

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