five - trip

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The discovery about mystery library boy staying at the scary looking mansion next door had me in my thoughts ever since this afternoon,

Why was he allowed to stay there alone?

Did he have electricity? I hadn't even seen him with a phone yesterday. How did he cope with being there?

I stared out my window at the mansion, at the graying walls. I clearly didn't know the whole story yet. All I knew was that he murdered his parents - quite graphically - at fifteen. Every story I had read about his on the internet all seemed to indicate that it really did happen and he really committed the crime, and for the last hour, I had been trying really hard to believe that but I just found that difficult.

Or maybe I did believe, I just didn't care.

I wasn't reacting quite like I should be. I mean, I read that he stabbed his father with a pair of scissors but yet, I was here thinking about talking to him at school tomorrow.

There was something about him that was pulling me in. I should be skeptic like Tawan warned me to be but I wasn't. I wasn't scared either.

I decided to pay him a visit.

It was a decision that wasn't properly planned but I didn't really care. I went downstairs and walked out the door, then I started towards the mansion.

But I stopped walking when I heard my mom call out to me. I groaned and turned around to see her standing at the door, giving me a curious glare.

"It's seven o'clock, where are you going?"

"Sightseeing." I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes. "Vegas come back in."

I sighed, looked back at the mansion once before proceeding to walk back into my house.

"You know we have to be careful now, we're literally neighbours with a murderer."

I found myself chuckling when she said that and when she stopped to give me a curious look, I realised just how indifferent I was about the whole issue.

"This is not funny, Vegas," she scolded. "I'm so worried for us."

"You're the one who wanted to move to a new town so badly," I said nonchalantly, shrugging.

My mother sighed and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I know this is hard for you. Moving into a town that you don't like-"

"Actually," I cut her off, smiling as my mind drifted off to Pete. "I think I like this town now, very much."


I spent half of my life pretending to be who I wasn't.

I pretended to be happy when really, I felt so much hurt inside of me. I acted like the boy who had it all together. I did everything I could to protect the real ugliness of my life.

But I shouldn't have. That was the regret I had now. I shouldn't have protected him. I shouldn't have believed the lies he told me.

The part that hurt the most was that, even when I told the truth, no one believed me. I was called a liar and that was something I would live with for the rest of my life.

I tried removing these thoughts from my head and and getting ready for school. My uniform was squeezed and I tried straightening it out with my hand. After a minute of unsuccessfully doing that, I just sighed and proceeded to wear it as it was.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now