fifteen - prince

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Looking away from my phone down to Prince who kept tugging on my trousers, I let out an annoyed breath before raising up an eyebrow.

"What is it?" I snapped at him, watching him shrink away a little.

Seeing that he was now scared of me, I sighed, forcing out a smile to calm him down.

"I'm sorry for snapping, but what is it you want?"

He then raised up a pink paper.

"Please give this to Pete," he said quietly, stretching the paper to me.

I shook my head, not taking the paper from his hand.

"No way. I already told you, you can't communicate with Pete, you can't see him and you can't talk to him, in anyway," when it seemed like his eyes were getting watery, I added, "Yet."

"Please give it to him," he still pushed on. "I made it just for him last night, I want him to see it."

I groaned, wanting to give in but, I had to stick to my plan.

But, Prince was relentless. The little boy kept on pleading so I finally took the paper from his hand. Maybe just this once wouldn't hurt.

Pete wouldn't know where it came from anyways so I wouldn't be blowing my cover up. Or better still, I just wouldn't give him.

"Next month is my birthday," Prince was saying. "I'm turning eight!"

I didn't give him an answer. I just went back to texting.

"Will Phi come for me by then?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face.

Usually I would lie because I didn't want to see or hear him crying but today, I didn't have the mind to.

I shook my head. "No nong, Pete isn't coming for you any time soon."

I looked away when his eyes brimmed with tears, rolling my eyes when my mom came down to calm him down. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the house.


"Maybe he's an accomplice to Pete," some girl whispered behind me to her friends.

I just shook my head, ignoring her.

"Maybe he's the one helping Pete with all the killings," another whispered.

I took a breath in and blew it out. Tired. Ever since this morning, I'd been getting stared at and people had been whispering things about me, more than usual.

I knew that it was about Pete's arrest last week, about me getting lost with him in the forest.

They'd been at it all morning, and I just couldn't begin to imagine the treatment Pete was getting right now.

As usual, Pete clouded my thoughts once again. I hadn't seen him since last week, since the day he told me to stay away from him.

It wasn't like I was going to do what he asked, I was just simply giving him some space. Giving him time to think and also, giving me some time to think as well.

It still hurt though when I thought back to when he told me to stay away last week. It hurt more than the other times because I thought we'd made a connection during the time we got lost.

Now, I had to start from the beginning and that wasn't even the biggest problem. The problem was that, I had no idea what to do anymore. I wasn't going to give up yes, but I'd basically run out of ideas.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now