nine - silent game

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"I finally have you all to myself."

"Not today, not again...please don't do this."

"Shut up!"

My eyes flung open and I groaned as I became fully awake. The place I was in was dark and I looked around for any source of light. I could see the outline of my bed side lamp from the dark so I turned it on.

When the light shone, I figured out that I was in my room, on top of my bed.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

The last thing I remembered was crouching down back at the forest crying, I didn't really remember walking home and entering my bed.

I looked on the bedside table and found my phone sitting on top of it, I picked it up and checked the time. 2:01am.

I was about to go back to sleep but then I heard a noise coming from downstairs, like a dish being broken. I froze, my heart starting to beat faster.

I carried my phone in my hand, using the screen as light to guide me as I walked downstairs.

The first place that came in my mind to check was the kitchen so I went there, I indeed saw a broken dish on the floor and I started to wonder how it happened cause the dishes were kept safely in the cabinets and it was closed so it couldn't just fall on its own.

I jumped when I saw something run past my legs. A mouse. Deciding that it was the mouse who did the damage, I walked back upstairs, planning to clean the mess by tomorrow since I was tired at the moment.

The next time I woke up, it was 5:23am. Deciding that I couldn't go back to sleep, I got up and walked over to the bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and stood under the shower, letting the now warm water wash off my body. 

I beared the pain when my stomach started to sting from the water since that was where my cuts were. I hadn't really cut in a while. Ever since Vegas came along, everything just changed. He was now all I could think of, I had no time to think about my damaged life anymore.

He intrigued me, the way he behaves like he hadn't heard about me or what people say I did, the way he treats me like a normal human being. I wanted nothing more than to let him in but the voices in my head always stopped me and besides, I just couldn't let him into my damaged life. I was full of so much scars, so much drama and I didn't want to drag him through that.

Plus you'll hurt him too.

I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and brought out my spare uniform from my closet since the other one was all messed up from yesterday.

Today, I actually had the energy to fix up my hair, didn't leave my face all dried up and make sure I was actually looking good.

I saw a little glimpse of the old Pete as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Shaking my head, I picked up my bag from the bed and made my way downstairs to the living room.

I then remembered the incident earlier so I walked over to the kitchen, ready to clean up the mess but I froze when I saw nothing on the floor.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at the spot where I was sure the broken dish was and that same spot was empty, no sign of broken plates.

Had I been dreaming last night about the dish breaking? Maybe I was.

I sighed and walked further into the kitchen, just in time, my stomach growled loudly at me. I groaned, my money still hadn't come in so I had absolutely nothing at all to eat.

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