sixteen - nude

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As I walked along the bushy path that led to my house, I tried my hardest to think.

To think about what went wrong between Tawan and I, to think about what I did to him to make him hate me so much that he wanted me to rot in jail or even worse.

Tawan and I hadn't really quarreled. It was after the murder incident that he stopped talking to me. We hadn't really had any fights or disagreements before that night so I had no idea what flipped the switch for him. Or, had the flip already been switched all along?

At the time of my arrest, I was so messed up: my head was messed up and half the time, I didn't even know what was going on and the voice kept telling me not to say anything because no one would believe me anyway and it was right. When I told a female investigator a little truth of what really happened that night, she only shook her head at me and dismissed the idea.

The truth of what happened that night was horrible but, there was a reason behind it, a reason that I thought Tawan of all people would understand but, seems like he didn't or better still, didn't care.

He was the only one who knew all about my troubles with my family. I expected him to understand that, especially since Prince told him the truth but the harsh reality I had to face right now, was that Tawan did not really care as much as I thought. 

I didn't understand what I did to make him hate me but I was sure about one thing: I was going to get Prince back, whether Tawan and his mom liked it or not.

I didn't care what he says or does. I was going to get Prince back. Now knowing how Tawan felt about about me, I felt Prince was very unsafe staying with him.

It was when my leg hit something hard on the ground that I snapped back to reality, the sting from the impact was vibrant but that was not the issue.

The issue was that I hit my leg on a rock and tripped over it so now, I was falling down.

A scream left my mouth as I waited for the impact of the ground but that never came, instead I felt hands on my waist and I knew just who they belonged to.

Vegas helped me get my feet balanced on the ground again and I turned around, facing him.

"Thanks," I mumbled under my breath.

"Didn't you say you usually don't trip and fall?" he teased.

Get away from him!

"Yes, up until you came around."

I turned around, attempting to walk away but Vegas held my hand.

"Pete, wait," he said and when I turned back to glare at his hand, he quickly removed it and raised both his hands up in defense.

"I don't want to bother you, I just want to ask you something."


"What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you ever mention your brother to me?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Because you didn't ask."

"I heard about what happened, does the police have any leads on where he could be?" he asked, worry etched to his tone.

I couldn't help but laugh. "That's if they're even looking for him," I said.

"I can help," he quickly said but I shook my head.

"There's no need for that." 

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

I stiffened. "It means I don't need your help!" I snapped, about to walk away but again, he held my hand, not letting me go.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now