six - dangerous

504 58 16


The day was going slow. Too slow.

It was taking so long for the bell to ring. I watched the teacher with boredom as he continued to teach some shit about periodic tables.

I noticed some students in the class glancing at me from time to time, probably still surprised about what happened this morning between me and Pete.

It was so annoying how they just kept staring and whispering things that I wasn't supposed to hear but I was. It was funny how this didn't even compare to what Pete most likely went through everyday but I was already fed up with it. I frowned thinking about how Pete felt every single day with all this bullshit. How was he still so strong enough to come here every day?

"Vegas." I looked up to see the teacher giving me a stern look.

I raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement.

"Yes?" I asked curiously while some students laughed.

So far, this chemistry teacher was my favorite in this school. Note the sarcasm.

He glared more at me.

"Care to tell us what the fourth element is?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Easy, air," I said, knowing I was loud and wrong. As expected, the whole class burst into laughter.

The teacher rolled his eyes. "Stay behind class."

I scoffed and mumbled to myself. "No way."

I had more important things to do, like look around for Pete again (and I hoped to actually find him this time).

When the class was over, I slung my bag on my shoulder, ready to leave but of course the bastard called me back.

"I was serious when I said you should wait behind."

I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to argue so I walked over to a seat.

He gave me a totally unnecessary long speech about paying attention in class that lasted for almost 30 minutes before he finally let me go. It was lunch break so I quickly started looking for Pete.

I checked the cafeteria and subtly ignored Tawan when he called me over to his table.

I checked the garden and each classroom but he wasn't there. I sighed and walked over to the library. He wasn't there the last time I checked but, it wouldn't hurt to try.

I walked in and quietly walked over to the corner where I first met him and to my surprise, he actually was there, crouched on the floor with his knees pressed to his chest. He looked at me as I stepped in and I smiled, to which he just adverted his gaze.

I walked further inside and sat down next to him. He scooted away a little and although the action hurted a bit, I chose not to pay it any mind.


I was so confused.

Why had he stood so close to me?

Why had he smiled at me?

Why had he helped me?

Why had he waved like we were best friends?

Haven't the whole school filled him up with their lies yet? I know they have so why did he still dare to come close to me?

I hadn't been able to think about anything else all day. No one had gotten that close to me in a long time.

"I'm not scared of you unless there's a reason to and if there is, I wouldn't care."

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now