four - wishes.

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I had a lot of wishes.

I remember when I would always wish upon the stars at night when I was little with my eyes closed and actually believing that my wishes would come true.

I wished for silly things then. For a pony, a union or to be a prince or for my crush to like me back.

But now, even though I didn't believe in wishes anymore, I still wished for things all the time.

I wished I could take that night back.

I wished nothing happened that night.

I wished that this whole thing hadn't started. 

I wished I could be that normal teenager again, the one who pretended to be alright when really deep down, he was hurting. Now I hurt both in and out.

The ground was jaggered as I continued to walk down the path. From time to time, I would kick stones with my foot. The surrounding was covered up with bushes and tweets of birds could be heard everywhere.

I was once scared to pass through this road because it was very lonely but now, I wasn't anymore. It was funny how all my fears has turned to be my only places of comfort.

I passed through this path now because it was a path no one else walked through. A place where I wouldn't be looked upon with judgemental eyes, a path only I knew about.

Well...not anymore though.

That new boy, Vegas. He'd walked this path in the morning and that meant, I had to be more careful and discrete. But, would he even want to walk around here anymore? Now that he knew who I was and what I did?

I wiped the thought of him away from my head because he was starting to creep into my thoughts for the umpteenth time today.

It's over.

I knew we wouldn't have those awkward conversations anymore but I couldn't really stop thinking about him and I didn't know why.

Forget him.

He's just like every one else.

I agreed with my thoughts on that and started thinking about something else. I started thinking about how much I missed my old life.

It was a life of pretense but I still preferred it over this one.

I preferred it over having people I thought were my friends stare at me with disgust in their eyes when the murder news came out.

I was all alone after that. I was locked up in a small room, with the voice in my head filling my head up with horrible thoughts but I still had hope that somebody would come to see me. Especially the friends I thought loved me. But they didn't. No one did. Not even my best friend.

I went through it all alone. And it was horrible.

When I finally reached my house, I breathe in relief. The mansion towered over me. I remembered when it used to be beautiful. The paint was new, the lawn was well mowed. But now, it was very dull. It was like it matched my mood ever since that night.

I could see the words 'murderer' 'killer' and 'go to hell' written on the walls, their colours more bright among the other faded words.

These are new

I ignored it and proceeded inside. The house was empty, as usual. Echos from my every step, the clock ticking on the wall, to the sound of a cricket, everything could be heard very loudly.

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