fourteen - square one

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I opened my eyes to see Pete standing in front of me. He had a very sad look on his face. I noticed that his cheeks were stained with tears.

"Pete, what's wrong?" I asked him, wanting to go meet him but it was like I was being restricted, I couldn't.

He continued crying and the sight saddened me. I wanted to stop it but I couldn't move from the position I was in.

"Pete, why are you crying?" I asked desperately again, trying harder to move.

"I-I'm sorry V-Vegas," he sobbed out, his voice weak.

"Pete, what are you-" I stopped talking when my eyes fell to his hands that were all covered with blood, his clothes were stained with the red liquid as well.

Was he hurt?

"Pete, what's going on?" I asked. "Who hurt you?"

"I-I'm so sorry but I have to do this," he sobbed out again and then he brought out his left hand from behind his back and my eyes widened when I saw that he was holding a bloody knife.

"Pete, what's happening?" I asked as he started walking closer to me, looking so sad.

"Pete, what's wrong?"

"It's telling m-me to do it Vegas, I have to do it," he said as more tears rolled down his cheeks. 

"Do what?" I asked, trying to reach out to him but I still couldn't move from my position.

"I-I'm so sorry," he said, raising up the knife with both his hands. He raised it up above his head and then he started bringing it down with force but it wasn't directed at me, it was directed at himself.

"No!" I yelled, trying all my best to stop him but I couldn't move.

"Pete!" I was desperately trying to move but then, it became too late. The knife made impact to his stomach.

"I'm sorry," he whispered before his body became limp and fell to the ground.


I woke up from my sleep and looked around the room frantically, panicking when I didn't find Pete on the bed next to me.

With the dream I just had in mind, I stood up from my bed quickly, the sun was peaking in through the window so i knew that it was morning.

I ran downstairs to the living room to see my mom seated on the couch, legs crossed with a solemn look on her face.

"Mom!" I called and watched as she paused the tv and stood up from the couch, looking up at me with a disappointed look.

"Of all the boys Vegas, you had to pick him?" she asked in disbelief.

"Where is he?" I asked, ignoreing her words, wanting to know if Pete was okay first.

"He's gone to his mansion."

I was about to leave but she stopped me.

"Is he that Petal boy? The one you told me you liked?"

There was really no point denying it now.

"Yeah, he's the boy I like."

"Why him, Vegas? Hasn't anyone informed you of who he is or didn't I tell you to stay away from him?"

"I'm not a little boy anymore that you can tell me who I can or cannot associate with," I argued. "And besides, you never cared who I hung out with so what's the difference now?" 

"He is a murderer, didn't you hear about what he did to people?"

"Yeah I did, I'm just not stupid enough to believe them." I quickly regretted what I said and looked away from my mom, not wanting to see her hurt face.

"I hope you didn't say anything to him," I said but she didn't answer me.

"What did you say to him?"

"What do you expect me to say to a murderer?" she asked before walking away to the kitchen. "You are truly your father's son. No words of mine is ever going to get through your thick skull."

I hurried over to Pete's mansion.

When I'd gotten to the gate, I then realised that this was my first time being here.

The gate was broken, so it was opened and this made me more worried. How could Pete sleep here with a broken gate? Anybody could get in easily and I doubted the house had any real security.

The house looked a little old; it clearly hadn't been painted for a long time.

I walked up to the wooden door and knocked on it quickly. I got no answer. I rang the doorbell but I didn't think it was still functioning.

"Pete!" I called out loudly but got no reply.

I knocked again, panic settling through me when I recalled the dream I had.

"Pete-" The door swung open and Pete came out, tear stained cheeks and a slight glare on his face.

"What?" he snapped.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, about to reach for him but he backed away.

"Why do you care?" he hissed at me. 

I sighed. "Pete, whatever my mom said to you-"

"Please leave me alone Vegas," he said lowly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You said you'd leave me alone once we get to Chumphon, remember?"

I scoffed, surprised at what he was saying. "So it's just like that?"

"What did you expect to happen?"

"Is it it again?" I asked and when he gave me a confused look, I continued, "is it that thing that always tells you to stay away from me?"

He kept quiet for a little. "I really want to let you in," he started as his eyes watered, "but, I'm not interested in seeing another person I care about get hurt because of me. I really like you, you make me feel special and I don't think I can be able to live with myself if you get hurt because of me." Then he stepped back into his house. "So stay away!"

He slammed the door in my face and I blew a tired breath, taking in all he said. He just confessed to me that he really liked me so how the hell did he expect me to stay away after hearing that?

"Great." I tsked. "Now I'm back to square one."


We finally got a love confession from Pete but at what cost????

What are your theories about what's really going on? I'd love to hear them!

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