nineteen - ice cream

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A loud groan came out of my mouth as my body slammed to the ground, pain already seeping through my head and bones.

My vision was blurry and sounds were muffled but I could make out the cracked screen of my phone that laid on the floor besides me.

So, I slowly raised up my shaking hand and moved it towards the phone, sighing in relief as I got it.

My vision was still blurry but it didn't stop me from dialing the three digits. I managed to get my hand over to my ear and dropped the phone there.

"191, what's your emergency?" A monotone voice rang through the phone. I eyed the scene in front of me, not knowing what to make of it but it was definitely an emergency.

The devil standing in front of my little, innocent brother who was bawling his eyes out, eyes that were looking at me, waiting for me to do something about it. I panicked when he moved closer to him, so I clutched the phone tightly to my ear.

"H-help m-me! my s-step dad is going to h-" I couldn't finish my sentence as the phone was yanked away from me, a loud crash could be heard a second later.

"You bastard, you think anyone could come and save you, huh?!" he spat out at me.

"No one is going to come save you." He smirked, going back to where my little brother was.

"Phi!" he cried out, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Stop it, you monster!" I yelled out, trying to stand up. I had to do something, I couldn't let him hurt Prince, I had to think of something fast. I looked around frantically and that was when my eyes landed on the pair of scissors that laid on the ground...


I snapped out of my thoughts, raising my head up from Vegas's chest to look at him. He had a concerned look in his eyes.

"Are you okay? You keep spacing out," he asked me softly, his hot breath tickling my nose.

I faked a smile, not wanting him to be worried as I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied.

I rested my head back on his chest and sighed, looking around to see that we were still in the library as we had been for almost two periods now, due to me not wanting to go to class because I really didn't fancy the thought of getting stared at and talked about today.

Thoughts were still circling through my head, like me finding out this morning that Tawan wasn't the one who took the picture of me naked in my room and sent me that threatening text, that someone else out there did and I had no idea who it was, and that moments before, Vegas and I kissed and he practically told me that he loved me, LOVE and I really didn't know how to feel or react about that at all.


I looked up to Vegas again. "Yeah?"

"What happened this morning, why were you crying?"

I sighed and looked back down.

Oh nothing really happened, just found out that a mysterious person has a picture of me naked and is threatening me with it to keep me away from my brother and Tawan helped me remember some very awful memories.

"Nothing, just remembered some bad memories, that's all," I partly lied, biting down on my lip.

I felt awful lying to Vegas. I really wanted to tell him the whole truth about Prince and the text but I didn't really know what was stopping me. It wasn't the voice because It hadn't been in my head since this morning.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now