twenty one - killer body

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There was a time when my mom told my 12 year old self to get dressed up. She dressed up two year old Prince and got dressed herself.

She drove us to a very strange place and the weird thing was, she didn't come out of the car or let us come out. She just stayed inside, rolled the windows up and kept her eyes on a house.

That was the period my dad left us for her bestfriend.

"Mom, what are we doing here?" I had asked her that day, popping my head to the front seat to stare at her curiously.

She just ignored me, not even sparing a glance at me. She just kept staring at the house.


I paused when I noticed that her face had grown into an angry one, so with curiosity, I peeped out the window to the house, wanting to see what had gotten my mom so upset.

And that was when I saw my father coming out of the house with my mother's bestfriend but that wasn't the most surprising thing.

What caught my attention was the boy with jet black hair, that looked about my age, maybe younger than me, coming out of the house with them as my dad ruffled his hair.

Who is that boy? I had thought that day.

My question was answered when I heard my mom start to mumble angry words from the drivers seat.

"So it's true, the bitch had a son for him," I heard her say and I looked over to the boy again, realising that he was my father's son, precisely my step brother, maybe he was more of the son my father had always wanted.

"So while I was pregnant, he and that bitch went out and had a son?!" My mother had yelled out angrily.

It took me two years to finally understand what happened.

When I finally figured it out, I realised that while my mom was pregnant with me in high school, my dad had went out to have an affair with my mom's bestfriend and got her pregnant also.

My mother once mentioned that her bestfriend left town when she was pregnant with me, maybe it was because she wanted to hide her pregnancy?

Ever since that day, my mother worsened, she yelled at me more than before, even sometimes at Prince, spent numbers of times throwing insults at my dad who wasn't even there to hear her.

I saw my mother falling apart at that period and I was worried for her but that came to an end when she met David Saengtham, aka my murdered step father.

He was the one who managed to make my mom happy again and turned her into her old self and that was one of the reasons why I liked him at first, because he brought my mother back to me.

But when I think to the night of my 13th birthday, a shudder always ran though me. The painful memory of that night still haunts me.

"Petal?" I heard a groggy voice call my name.

I fluttered my eyes that were previously closed, open to see Vegas staring down at me.

I looked around and realised that we were in my room and I was on top of my was Vegas.

He refused to leave my sight ever since he read those texts yesterday.

Today was the day that we had planned to see Nick, though it was not in my best interest because I was kind of freaked out by that Nick guy with his green hair and his weird tactics towards me. I had to go through with it because it was the only option right now. I couldn't go to the police and have them take Prince away from me.

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