eighteen - an accident

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A few people froze and turned to stare as I stood at the door of the auditorium. The place wasn't as crowded as the halls. This was where Tawan and I would sit at mornings, gossiping about any and everything so I was certain he would be here today.

I ignored the stares I was getting and walked in, spotting Tawan sitting on his own by the podium, on his phone. I started walking over to him in fast, angry steps. I could see people staring, gathering around, waiting for the scene they knew would happen.

"So you really think that sending a threatening text to me is going to make me stay away from Prince huh Tawan?" I said to him as I reached where he was, keeping my voice very low so the annoying crowd wouldn't hear us.

He looked up from his phone in shock, his eyebrows furrowing closely as he eyed me apprehensively.

He then stood up, looked from the people that were watching us to me.

"Murderer, what do you want?" he hissed at me, keeping his phone in his pocket.

"Do you really think blackmailing me is the way to get me to stay away from my brother?" I whispered to him, my teeth gritting.

I was expecting Tawan's face to grow into realization of what I was talking about, or for him to start smirking but I did not except the complete look of confusion that appeared instead. 

"What are you on about?" he asked, looking puzzled. 

My heart started beating faster, the familiar state of panic settling through me.

It had to be him. It had to be Tawan. He had to be the one who took the photo of me naked in my room and sent me that threatening text, if not him then, who else could it fucking be?

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm saying," I sneered at him. "You can't keep me away from Prince forever!"

He looked around again, fear in his eyes. "Why don't we take this outside? Without a crowd?"

He wasn't asking nicely. Without another word, he walked out and I followed behind him, feeling myself getting even more rattled. He walked all the way to stand under the bleachers of the football field because nobody was there yet.

He turned to face me, an annoyed look on his face. "Yes I can keep Prince away from you, I've been doing it for almost a month now. I'm going to make sure that Prince will never see the likes of you again, ever."

He was talking like he didn't know I saw Prince yesterday.

I huffed. "Why, why would you do that?"

"I said this before, he's like a little brother to me and I don't want to see him get murdered by you too!"

"How can you expect me to hurt my own brother? You know I could never do that!"

"Oh, but you can hurt your own mother?"

I froze then, not knowing what else to say after that. My whole body became numb at his words.

When he saw my demeanor, he smirked proudly as he came closer to me.

"Shocked that I know? Remeber when I said Prince told me the whole story? Well I wasn't joking," he whispered.

I couldn't help it as my eyes started to water. I gritted my teeth as my hands balled into fists.

"If he really told you the whole story, you would know that it was an accident!" I yelled at him defensively, my whole body shaking.

It was an accident.

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