eleven - honeymoon pt2

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The slight throb in my arm was what woke me up. I groaned, clutching my arm tightly before sitting up.

I realised that I was under a tree and suddenly remembered all that had happened. Me passing through the wrong way, that strange man standing in the middle of the road, me crashing the car into a tree (now I have a record of crashing cars into trees) and Pete being himself-wait where is that boy?

He wasn't anywhere around me, so I stood up and went in search for him, passing through the forest while calling out his name.

"Pete!" I called out loud, my voice echoing through the woods but I got no answer.

"Pete-" I stopped when I noticed footprints on the ground, the footprints were quite large and I wasn't entirely sure they belonged to Pete. As I was about to follow it, I heard a groan of frustration behind me.

I whipped my head in the direction I heard the voice.

"Come on!" I heard a voice snap. Pete.

Forgetting the footprints, I went in the direction of the voice and sighed in relief when I saw Pete, standing on top of a rock, his phone in his hand as he waved it around.

I walked closer to him and he finally took note of my presence, turning to face me.

Now, due to the way he'd been behaving towards me since we got lost, him being all sweet and cute and himself and him making a promise to me to stay that way, I really didn't expect the deathly glare he sent my way.

I sighed tiredly.

He rolled his eyes at me and then turned away, continuing what he was doing. I ignored it and just walked closer to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked, making a conversion and hoping that he'd answer and also praying that the real Pete would come back to me.

He looked over to me in disbelief.

"Praying to Satan," he answered sarcastically.

I frowned. "No need to get sarcastic, I was just-"

"If you don't want me to get sarcastic on you then don't ask stupid questions," he snapped at me before turning away.

I huffed. "Why are you behaving this way now? Just mere minutes ago you were being all nice and sweet and sniffing my cheek," I said in frustration.

I gritted my teeth, frustrated. "You promised me that you'd be yourself as from now."

He huffed. "Why am I behaving this way? Well first of all, I'm lost in a forest with a boy that I'm trying to run away from and secondly, every forest in Chumphon has a record of having wild animals in it and as much as I hate my life, my dream isn't to be lunch for bears!" he ranted, not even glancing at me. I noticed that he ignored my last statement.

"Okay Pete relax, we're going to find a way outta-"

"No Vegas we aren't. I have been out here for hours trying to find signal but I can't, it's like we aren't even in Chumphon anymore and it's all thanks to you and your stupid pride-"

I sighed, knowing that he wasn't even close to the end of his rant so I just stood there with my hands crossed and waited.

"You know what, I'm going to find a way out of here but alone, you go your own way and I'll go mine," he finished, walking away from me.

I followed behind him.

"Pete," I called but he didn't answer me.

"Pete," I tried again but got no answer.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now