one - mystery library boy

813 66 6

[Third person]

The halls were crowded when Vegas came out of the library. He looked around and studied the place. It had only a slight difference from his previous school. The same dull coloured walls, grey coloured lockers and students scattered around, engaging in different activities.

Everybody was on the move since the next class was starting soon and Vegas sighed, dreading the fact that he still had lots of classes before the day would be over.

He searched around the place a little, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of the mystery library boy but he couldn't so he just gave up and brought out his schedule, looking up his next subject and deciding to look for him later.

The classes were boring and Vegas almost dazed out - he did daze out in a class until the teacher gave him a tap on the shoulder and gave him a hard stare but he had no problem giving the same stare back.

When the bells rang for lunch break, Vegas looked up and thanked the heavens. At least, half of the day was already done.

His phone started ringing when he was almost at the cafeteria. He brought it out of his pocket where he had kept it and checked for the caller ID. A smile appeared on his lips when he saw the name 'Ben' written across the screen.

"I've been gone only a day," he said when he pressed the phone to his ear after tapping the answer button. "Don't tell me you missed me that much."

The boy on the other line scoffed. "Get over yourself man."

"You know it's the truth." Vegas chuckled lightly. "So what's up?"

"We're turning up at a bar right now," Ben said, a smile in his voice.

Vegas rolled his eyes. "Do you have to rub it in my face that I can no longer attend your parties?"

"Nope, it's not that," Ben said. "I said, we're at a bar right now."

Vegas furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding at all what Ben meant by the statement.

"You do know that I'm in another town that is not Ranong, right?" he asked, just to make sure.

To be honest, Ranong wasn't that far. It was a neighboring town to Chumphon and it would take only an hour to get there but, there was no way for him to.

After an accident some years back, he had been prohibited from driving a car and he had no money for public transport.

"What if I tell you that you don't have to come to Ranong?" Ben asked, his tone laced with a little excitement and Vegas knew then that something was up.

He was about to ask, but a loud voice from the background stopped him.

"Yo Ben, just tell him already!" Jane's loud and annoyed voice rang through the line.

"I'm getting to that," Ben hissed and Vegas was sure that he would currently be glaring daggers at Jane.

"Damn she ruined all the excitement," Ben groaned a little. "Anyways, we're here."

"Here where?"

"Here as in Chumphon, your new town."

"Dude, really?"

"Yep, we're all here!" Another voice yelled in the background followed by hooting noises. The extra and permanent strain in his voice made Vegas know that it was Dan yelling.

"Shut up Dan," Ben scolded.

"And I thought I could finally get rid of all of you," Vegas sighed playfully.

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