seven - murder

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Sluggusly, I entered my very last class of the day. English.

I didn't like it so, I was going to do what I did best - sleep through it.

I walked over to the last seat, sat down on it before bringing up my legs and rested them on the table.

I noticed some people looking at me and usually, I would rise up to the attention but I just didn't feel the need to. I didn't know what was happening to me these days.

As much as I tried, my mind couldn't help it but wander off to Pete. I was still thinking about the way he behaved at the library, how his attitude changed so fast.

One minute he was smiling, and the next he looked like he wanted to kill me.

Another thing that had been bothering me was the fact that his body was so light.

Since his parents died, who is he living with then? Is he really staying alone in that big mansion? If so how does he fend for himself? He's only a teenager so he can't work and I dobt anyone would want to employ him anyway

My thoughts were disturbed when I noticed someone walk into the classroom. I looked up and my heart warmed at the sight of Pete. The immediate murmurs of the students faded as I continued to stare at him.

His beautiful brown eyes darting to every corner of the class, his hands clasped in front of him and he looked so cute in his almost oversized uniform.

He didn't have a glare on his face nor was he smiling, his face was just blank and innocent. When his eyes landed on mine, I watched as he froze for a few seconds before awkwardly looking away.

I didn't let that stop me from raising my hand and waving it all around like a maniac just to get his attention, and when his eyes finally landed on me again, I smiled widely and pointed towards the empty seat right next to me, insinuating that he should come sit next to me.


I felt like I was always at war with my thoughts. Other times, I felt like I was a victim of my thoughts. I felt like I had no control whatsoever. Like what happened in the library with Vegas. I could've ignored that thought, I could've focused on how I felt at that moment but instead, I caved into it. I allowed its roots to grow further and acted according to how it wanted me to, allowed it to build back up the walls Vegas had atarted breaking down.

I diverted my gaze away from Vegas again, surprised that despite what happened at the library, he was still acting this way towards me. I thought he would for sure be scared by now but by the way he was smiling widely at me, waving his hand and calling me over to sit next to him, I think he's not.

Maybe I should give him a chance-


I sighed and continued looking for an empty space to sit down and as I did so, my eyes would always land on Vegas and everytime it did, he would have a pout on his face that was just so cute while he tried to get me to come sit close to him but I wouldn't. Not just because of the preying thoughts in my head but because I'd seen the way people have been staring at him and I knew that it was because of me. I went through hell everyday with the way people treat me and I just couldn't have him go through the same. He didn't deserve that.

"Um, Mr. Saengtham," a strong voice said from behind me. I looked back to see the teacher looking at me.

"C-Can you please go sit down?" he asked me.

I nodded slightly and made my way to the empty seat that was right besides Vegas since there was none available anymore.

"And new boy, take your legs off the table!"

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now