thirteen - almost dead

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"Hey mom, what's going on?" I asked as I walked up to my mother, who I noticed was crying while Tawan was standing close to her, trying to console her.

Their heads snapped up at the sound of my voice and their faces brightened when they saw me, my mom quickly running up to me with Tawan following closely behind.

"Vegas, you're fine!" My mom said in a relieved tone as she attacked me with a hug.

I hugged her back. "Of course I'm fine, but what's going on? Why are police cars everywhere?"

"We thought something bad must have happened to you, I didn't know what to think, some people said that they saw you with that boy who murdered his parents and we thought he did something bad to you-"

"What?" I pulled away from the hug.

"We thought he might have kidnapped you," Tawan informed me while I just scoffed in disbelief at what they were saying.

"Well, he didn't," I told them.

My mom hit my arm. "Why didn't you call? You had me so worried!"

I scratched at the nape of my neck, sheepish, actually feeling bad for not calling her. I'd been so caught up in my feelings that I forgot to.

"I'm sorry mom, I planned to."

I then turned around to Ben's car, wanting him to come help me out in explaining to my mom that I once again, crashed a car to a tree but when I turned, I saw Ben standing by his car, but Pete was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh mom, give me a minute. I'm gonna go talk to Ben."

"What's Ben doing in Chumphon?!"

Slight panic filling me, I quickly walked over to Ben, not answering my mom's question. 

"Ben where's Pete?"

He shrugged his hands into the pockets of his trousers, avoiding my eyes. "The cops took him away."

"What?" I practically yelled. "Why didn't you come to me?"

"They were too fast, I was about coming to you right now."

I groaned in anger, feeling confused on what to do. This was all my fault. Because of me, Pete got arrested. I had to quickly get him free.

As I was about to enter Ben's car, a voice stopped me.

"Vegas wait," Tawan said from behind me as I got into the drivers seat, ignoring Ben's confused look.

I started the car up quickly before sparing Tawan a glance.

"What?" I asked hastily.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"To the station to get Pete out of there," I said.

"Why?" he asked me quickly because I was about moving.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Why? What do you mean why? He didn't do anything wrong, how could you guys call the police to arrest him because you think he kidnapped me? That's stupid!"

"Vegas, we didn't call the police," he said and that made me stop for a second.

"Then who did? You know what, I don't care, I just want Pete out of there because he did-"

"The police didn't arrest him because of you Vegas, they have been looking for Pete ever since yesterday morning," Tawan said as a matter of factly.


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