eight - mystery prince

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Vegas had said everything with pure sincerity, our eyes boring into each other's and to be honest, I felt so much peace in that moment. For the first time in a while.

I wanted to say something, to smile at least because his words really made me feel happy inside but, of course the fear in my mind decided to rise at that moment, and all of a sudden again, I was pulling back.

He's just going to hurt you

Don't let him

Why are you letting him in?

Remember how badly he treated you?

How he almost killed you? And also-

I pushed further into the wall as I crouched down, my heart beating rapidly as I shuddered in fear.

"No!" I pleaded, tears pouring out as the memories came flooding back, "Don't come close to me!"

But Vegas didn't listen, he never listens. I watched with scared eyes as he came much closer...

"No!" I yelled loudly as the memories started becoming very visual.

Vegas was surprised at my outburst but he made no attempt to back away, instead he held me much closer.

"What's wrong?" he asked with worry etched to his face.

Run away Pete. He's going to hurt you too.

Having no choice but to believe, I freed my hold away from Vegas forcefully.

"Don't touch me!" I sneered and backed away from him slowly before I turned back, running away.

"Pete wait!" I heard his pleading call from behind me but I ignored it and continued running.

His footsteps could be heard from behind me, making me run faster.

"What's wrong? What did I do wrong?!"

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back to him and that was when I realised that I was full on crying.

Soon enough, his footsteps wasn't heard anymore and I sighed in relief, slowing down my pace.

It didn't stop there though. The awful memories kept playing in my head, like a film, no a horror film and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Stop!" I yelled out as I crouched down on the ground, crying my eyes out, wanting the horrible memories to just stop.


"Vegas you okay?" My mom asked while the both of us were having dinner that evening.

I nodded. To be honest. No I was not okay. What happened earlier with Pete hadn't stopped flooding my head.

I didn't know what went wrong, for a moment there, it felt like everything was going right, I felt like he was finally going to open up to me, let me in but I was wrong.

The way he yelled at me and backed away from me like I was going to hurt him both scared and bothered me.

What really happened? Did I do something wrong or was it just another scheme of his to keep me away from getting close?

No, his outburst was real. When he yelled for me to stop, he looked to be in real pain and one thing I noticed was that, when he was yelling at me, his voice seemed so distant, like there was someone else there that he was talking to and not me.

I sighed. This was really getting me worked up. There were so many mysteries to Pete. I don't think him murdering his parents was the only mystery to him. There was definitely something else to him and I wanted to know but, he was making it very, very difficult.

"Are you sure you're okay? You just keep blanking out," my mom's worried voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked over to her and faked a smile.

"I'm fine mom, really."

She sighed as she rested her hands on the table. "Vegas, I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to you ever since we moved and that is really bad of me so if there's anything you've been going through, you can tell me now."

I sighed. "Mom, there's really nothing going on," I lied.

She rested back on her chair and crossed her hands, giving me a 'I'm not buying it' look.

"Fine," I gritted out, "there is something going on."

"Is it a girl?" she asked.

I hesitated. "Well there is a boy but not in the way-"

"Is it Tawam?" she asked, getting excited.

I frowned. "No it's not Tawan. We're just friends and that's all we'll ever be."

"Then who is it then?" She was looking at me curiously.

"A boy at school, he's really different from the other boys and people in general and I really like him..." I never really thought I would be having this kind of conversation with my mom or I would even be willing to talk to her about this.

My mom smiled at me and encouraged me to continue, so I ignored the awkwardness. "The problem is, he keeps pushing me away when I'm trying to get close," I explained.

She frowned. "Why's that?"

I shrugged.

"Well," she moved much further on her seat, "firstly, I'm so happy that my son finally found a boy he likes since he has always been the sleeping around type," she states and I gaped at her.

"Mom!" I said, shocked at her words but she didn't seem fazed though.

"Don't think I didn't know what always went on in the basement every night back at Ranong," she said sassily and I couldn't help but blush. "but anyway, from the way you're describing this boy, you really like him so my advice to you is be patient, let him come around to you on his own terms and if it works out, I want you to treat him with complete care-"

"Respect and love," I finished for her.

She smiled. "So what's his name?" My mom asked, looking at me for an answer as I froze.


But I couldn't tell her that of course. By now, she'd already know the name of the notorious alleged muderder of Chumphon.

"Petal," I lied.

"That's a nice name." I nodded in agreement.

It was then silent as we finished up dinner.

I couldn't help but wonder what Pete would be doing in his big mansion right now. Would he still be crying or would he be sleeping?

When I got up to my room, I stared at his mansion from my window, the lights were all out and it was dark inside.

"Goodnight my mystery prince," I whispered.

I was about to shut the window but then the lights got turned on in a room and I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw a person walking around the room through the window, I could only see the shadow of the person, the person didn't have a small frame that belonged to Pete. The person had a tall and bold figure.

I started to get worried.

Wasn't Pete staying alone?

When I turned to look at it again, they were gone and the lights were then turned off. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me?


Hello readers so I'm just going to use this opportunity to warn beforehand that this story is going to include heavy themes like: mental illness, r@pe, sexual assault, self harm and of course, murder so proceed with caution.

Next chap will be updated later today.

My boyfriend is a killer | VegasPete AUWhere stories live. Discover now