ten - honeymoon pt1

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The rain stopped just as soon as it started, only tiny droplets were coming down from the sky and rolling down the window of Vegas's car.

Surprisingly, he hadn't tried to talk or ask me any questions so far like I was expecting him to and I didn't know why I felt a little sad about that.

I then looked over to Vegas, staring at him as he held a serious expression, his eyes focused on the road and he looked to be in deep thoughts.

"You stare too," he said a few moments later.

I lifted an eyebrow. "What?"

"You stare quite a lot too, not just me."

I then turned away, a little embarrassed, looking out the window and for a while, I didn't notice anything but then I got shocked when I saw how unfamiliar the surroundings were.

"Um, Vegas?"

He looked over to me, his eyebrows raised and a small smile playing on his lips.

"Where are we going?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, glancing back ahead. "Uh school?" He was quite confused.

"Vegas, this isn't the way to school," I breathed out.

"Yes it is," he said, sounding so sure of himself.

I shook my head. "No it's not, you passed the wrong way. I think you turned left when you were suppose to turn right, just think about it, we would've gotten to school by now!" I didn't know why I started to raise my voice.

"Don't worry babe, relax, I'm sure this is the right way."

I ignored the word.

"You're stubborn too," I groaned out, "I've been in this town longer, I know my way around and this isn't it, we're probably lost!"

He then sighed. "Fine, I'm sorry. I just thought this was the right way, don't worry," he told me and yet, he didn't even make a move to stop.

"You're saying don't worry but we're still going the wrong way!"

He was about to say something but then I turned away angrily to look out the window, I couldn't even make out what he was saying.

Vegas slowed down the car and I could see him looking firmly at me from my peripheral. I looked straight ahead, ignoring him and that was when I noticed it, the dark figure standing ahead. I squinted my eyes to see who it was because there were still dark clouds in the sky so everywhere was dark.

I gasped loudly when the light from Vegas's headlights shone on the figure revealing a man. He was standing right in the line of Vegas's car that was heading straight towards him.

What the fuck?

"Vegas!" I didn't know I had the ability to scream so loudly but I had to because the car was heading right towards the strange man and the car almost hit him but Vegas maneuvered away just in time.

The car seemed to start moving out of control as Vegas tried his best to stop it and before I could even make out what was happening, Vegas's car made an heavy impact with something but I couldn't really tell what we hit. It was at that very moment that I realised I hadn't put on my seatbelt so I just shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to start but instead all I felt was warmth.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to see Vegas looking down at me with a worried look, he had a very tight hold on me and then it finally dawned. Vegas had moved from his seat, from safety, just to hold me from hurting myself just in time. Vegas saved me.

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