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In the center walked the person she was yearning to meet but she was confused seeing the person on his immediate side. 

In the centre walked Ashika's love. Her Jimin. She was lost in his beauty. She then noticed the person who walked beside him. It was the person she bumped into in the beginning as she arrived at the venue.

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Ashika ignored the other person and was lost in Jimin's beauty

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Ashika ignored the other person and was lost in Jimin's beauty. She wanted to run and hug him.

She was feeling so happy and was manifesting a beautiful first face to face meeting with Jimin.

Ashika ran towards Jimin to surprise and hug him. Jimin did not notice her yet and was still coming inside and going near the bar.

Ashika was about to reach him when her steps halted. All the colour from her face faded away when she saw the scene in front of her.

A girl came to Jimin before her and hugged him tight and kissed his lips. Jimin held the girl by her waist and kissed her passionately. 

Tears rolled down from Ashika's eyes. Her hands submitted themselves to the force of gravity. Jimin was still kissing the girl.

Ashika walked to Jimin with a broken heart and heavy steps. The pain had cought her voice. Tears were uncontrollably falling from her eyes.

As soon as she reached an appropriate distance in which he could hear her, she called out his name. Her voice held so much pain but still it was melodious as ever.

" Jimin..." She called out his name.

Hearing the voice, all the 5 boys turned around towards the source of it. The girl who was kissing Jimin, and a few more girls looked towards Ashika.

As soon as Jimin saw Ashika, he left the girl's waist. Tears rolled down from his eyes too.

"Jimin who is she babe?" The girl who was kissing Jimin asked. Hearing babe from some other girl's mouth that too for Jimin made Ashika's heart break even more.

"Ashika..." Jimin's teary voice came out of his mouth with a sigh. Jimin wanted to hug Ashika so eagerly, but he didn't. The boy with whom Ashika bumped earlier signaled the Dj to stop the music. Everything was silent.

" Who is this beauty Jimin Hyung?" A boy who walked with him earlier asked. He was dressed like Jimin. In fact, all the boys that walked in with Jimin were dressed in a similar manner.

Jimin successfully ignored his friend's question and walked 2 steps towards Ashika.

" What are you doing here Ashika..." He asked.

Jimin was approaching Ashika when she stopped him.

" Stay right there Jimin... Answer my question... Are you cheating on me...?"  She asked. The crowd gasped in shock.

Jimin halted his steps. His friends who were oblivious to the situation were shocked as hell. The girl who was kissing Jimin came forward and held his hands tightly.

" Who the hell are you? " The girl asked. Ashika looked at Jimin with teary eyes and spoke.

" Tell her Jimin... Who the hell am I..." Ashika said.

A tall boy came forward and held Jimin's forearm tightly.

" Jimin what is going on!" The boy seemed a bit angry.

" Namjoon Hyung... She... She is Ashika... We met online about 4 years ago... "

" Jimin... I came to Korea for you... I... I trusted you... We were... We were happy together then why...!" Ashika cried.

Jimin lowered his head as a lone tear left his eye. The girl beside him left his hand and came towards Ashika.

" You! Girl fucking stay away from Jimin. We have been arranged together! The whole University knows about us being in a fucking relationship."

Ashika looked at Jimin. Jimin was looking at the girl and then he spoke.

" Yerin... "

The girl shared a brief eye contact with Jimin and then he again spoke.

" Yerin babe... Come back here... She doesn't deserve our precious us time..."

Hearing this Ashika closed her eyes as tears fell from them. She went near Jimin and slapped him.

" Why did you propose to me! Why did you date me for 4 years! Why did you do this! Did you have to ruin us! I thought you could be trusted!" Ashika spoke slightly raising her voice. She was a crying mess.

" I came to Korea for you... I even got admitted in the same University you go to... I loved you..." Ashika spoke.

Yerin held Ashika's hand and pushed her away from Jimin which made her fall down. The tall guy from earlier, the handsome boy who called Ashika a beauty and one more boy helped Ashika get up.

She thanked them. Ashika shared an eye contact with Jimin. Her eyes spoke everything that she wanted to say at the moment.

" Thankyou Jimin... For making me feel happy over text messages... Video calls... Voice calls... Thanks for all of them..."

Ashika ran out of the club while wiping her tears. She reached the corridor and went out in the lawn from there. She sat on a bench beside a tree and cried.

Ashika was crying so hard. She didn't know why Jimin did so bad to her. She didn't notice the presence behind her and kept on crying. Ashika heard her phone ringing. It was a video call from her comfort zone. It was a call from Varun, her best friend.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.  

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