💕 CHAPTER 17 💕

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Ashika got goosebumps when she felt that someone had held her hand. She looked at the person holding her hand and her eyes widened. It was the same giel who had bruised her hand earlier. 

" Getting along with Jimin's friends? Aren't you enjoying way too much?!"

" Please leave my hand" Ashika visibly shivered and stuttered. 

" If you go near Jimin, you'll be doomed for no good"

" I am not going near Jimin-ssi" Ashika cried. Her hand pained due to the girl's tight hold. 

" Dare you take Jimin's name from your mouth!" The girl's hold on her wrist tightened further. Ashika's skin was pale and her wrists were very thin. Beacuse of the pressure, it had turned red and was burning.

Tears started to fall from Ashika's eyes. 

Before the girls could do anything else, they heard footsteps approaching and ran away from there leaving behind a crying Ashika. Ashika wiped her tears and picked up her bag. She too left from there. She rushed to her class. 

Her cheeks had stains of dried tears. Ashika's face had a new emotion today. It was fear. Fear of being wronged. Fear of being bullied. She rushed inside the classroom. She saw her friends sitting in their respective places and chatting with each other. 

She quietly went and sat along with them. Someone noticed her eyes and fearful face. Taehyung asked her something. 

" Ashika, today... we need to start the project? So, I'll come over?"

" Yeah. Today, we will start the project"

Taehyung gave her a nod followed by a small smile. Ashka returned the smile. The moment Taehyung saw her smile. He knew. He knew that something was wrong. But... would he ask this himself? This soon? No. 

Taehyung felt pitied Ashika. Atleast that's what he thought. Soon, the teacher arrived in the class. The teacher started teaching. Soon, there scheduled classes got over. Everyone was going back to their home. 

Ashika and Taehyung were going to Ashika's university apartment. When Ashika was about to open the door, Taehyung noticed her hand. He saw that her wrist was bruised. He didn't say anything and went to sit in the driver's seat. Ashika sat on the passenger seat. 

They drove off to her apartment in silence. None of them spoke anything during the ride. Taehyung stopped the car away from a bunch of shops. 

" Hey, what happened?"

" Nothing, I just want to buy something" 

Ashika nodded and sat in silence. Taehyung hopped out of the car and went into one of the shops. Ashika couldn't see the shop he entered. After almost 15 minutes, Taehyung came out of the store and sat back in the car resuming their drive. 

Soon, they reached her apartment. It was 4 in the afternoon. They went inside. 

Ashika gave a glass of water to Taehyung and she also drank some water.

" Taehyung give me half and hour. Let's have something to eat first and then let's start the work?"

" Sure"

Ashika went to her kitchen and started making the sabzi. She also kneeded the dough and started to make the chapatis. Taehyung walked near her and saw her cooking something. 

" Hey, what are you doing?"

" I am cooking food for us. Varun always says that we must never work on empty stomach"

" And I remember... it's your treat today"

Ashika laughed. Taehyung smiled. His eyes went on her bruised wrist again. He remebered something. 


Taehyung pulled over near a bunch of shops. 

" Hey, what happened?"

" Nothing, I just want to buy something" 

Ashika nodded her head and waited for Taehyung. Taehyung stepped out of th ecar and went to the general store to buy something. He entered the general store and bought an ointment to cure bruises. He also purchsed a strip of painkillers. 

Wait! Who did he buy these items for? He was not hurt anywhere.
Wait! It was for the girl he pitied. It was for the girl sitting on the passenger deat of his car. It was for Ashika. 

He paid for the items and kept them in his baggy pants' pocket and rushed back to his car. He sat in his car and didn't say anything to Ashika about the itmes he had purchased. 


Taehyung came nout of his trance upon noticing Ashika calling his name. 

" What happened? I have been calling your name out for almost 5 minutes now"

" Nothing... You speak what happened?"

" The food is prepared. I'll just change and come. Please excuse me for another 15 minutes"

" Sure. Be quick though"

Ashika gave him a small smile and went to change and freshen up.

Taehyung looked at the food Ashika cooked. He took the cooked food out on the dining table whuch was the only table as of now. He placed the food and water there. He sat there and waited for Ashika. 

Soon Ashika came and joined him for the meal. They both started having the food. 

" This is awesome. Is this some Indian dish?"

" Yes. This is our everday food. You liked it?"

" Yes. It's delicious"

They both had their meal and cleared the dining table together. The table was small. It had only 2 chairs and a small table. They placed their laptop and sat beside each other. They began researching about the project. 

They did the research work for almost 3.30 hours. It was pretty late now. 

" Ashika I'll leave now. It's almost 8."

" You can stay for the night. It's pretty late I think"

" No... It's fine... I'll leave."

" I'll escort you out then..." Ashika spoke with a smile. 

They moved out. They stood beside Taehyung's car. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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