💕 CHAPTER 18 💕

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Ashika and Taehyung were standing beside Taehyung's car facing each other. She smiled at Taehyung and was about to walk off when Taehuhng held her hand. 

He caught her bruised wrist making her hiss in pain. Seeing her scrunching her nose in pain and hissing, he left her wrist. 

He delicately held her forearm and rolled her shirt's sleeves up. He saw that her wrist had a dark bruise mark. 

He looked at Ashika. Even Ashika looked at him. When she noticed that Taehyung was looking at her wrist with curious eyes, she wanted to take her hand out of his grip but in vain. 

" I won't ask what happened... Just take these" 

He took the medicines from his pants and handed them to Ashika. 

" What are-"

" Please just use it" 

" But-"

" It's for your bruised wrist"

Taehyung didn't let Ashika say further and immediately sat in his car and dashed off leaving behind a perplexed Ashika.

Ashika stared at the brown packet that had the medicines. She sighed and took the medicines with her inside. 

She washed the utensils and decided to return them to the owner. But, returning the empty utensils is not a part of the Indian tradition. So, she also decided to share the sabzi she made with her neighbour. In a box, she packed the sabzi and chapati. 

Ashika knocked on the next door. The door was opened by a girl. Ashika frowned but anyway, she did the 90-degree Korean bow and spoke "Annyeonghasseyo"

The girl frowned as well and smiled at Ashika. Although it was not a decent time to show up at anyone's house, Ashika still did. 

" Annyeonghasseyo? Do we know you?" The girl spoke and looked behind her. 

Ashika immediately recognised the boy from the morning. Seeing Ashika he told his girlfriend. 

"자기야, 그 여자는 내가 너에게 말한 그 여자야. 옆 유닛에 사는 사람. 그녀는 아침에 나에게서 식기를 빌렸다"
(Baby, she is the girl I told you about. The one who lives in the next unit. She borrowed the utensils from me in the morning)

Ashika didn't understand anything except Yeoja and Jagiya. 

" Uhmm..." Ashika spoke becoming self-conscious and awkward. 

" Hey... Uhmm... What are you doing here at this hour? Is something wrong?" The boy asked. 

"I came to return your utensils. Thank you so much"

The girl took the utensils from her with a smile. 

" Also, I cooked some Indian food... So, I bought some for you as well... But I didn't -"

The girl interrupted Ashika with a smile and spoke with a smile. 

" It's okay... We had our meal. Soobin and I can share the food you cooked. Don't worry dear. Why don't you join us?"

" No... I am a bit tired from all the university work... Maybe some other day" 

Ashika smiled and took her leave. 

She returned to her unit and cleared her study material from the only table there. She washed her face and went to bed. 

She sat on her bed and finally opened the brown packet that Taehyung had got for her. It had a painkiller strip and bruise healing tubes.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the items. Nonetheless, she applied them. Today she was missing Varun. She wanted to talk to him but would she be able to? 

No. She didn't want to cry in front of him. She couldn't muster up the courage to lie to him when she already was. The biggest lie she told him was that she was happy with Jimin. The reality was she kind of still had Jimin in her heart but she had already broken up with him. Another lie was that she was happy. She was happy sometimes, but most of the time, she wasn't.  

Being bullied because of your ex-lover was nowhere near justice to her. Being hit and exploited by people of your age in a foreign land was traumatizing. But... on the brighter side, having people who genuinely showed care was bliss. Ashika felt it... She felt it near the others in Fab 12.

Ashika at last, decided to put her phone aside. Suddenly, a message popped up on her phone. It was from Taehyung. Among Fab 12, she only had the numbers of the ones who were in the same class as her and Jimin. 

The message had an invitation card. It was for tomorrow's party that Taehyung's older brother had mentioned. 

Ashika decided not to go there. She messaged Taehyung. 

Thanks for inviting me😊 

Taehyung liked the message and suddenly another message popped up on her mobile. 

You are coming tomorrow... right? I am attending this party because all of my friends are coming. You are also my friend... So, I hope you attend the party...

Ashika read the message and she stopped. She didn't want to face Jimin outside of the college. But... shouldn't she move on from him...

After a whole lot of contemplation and self-conflict, Ashika decided to go to the party. But, she didn't have a beautiful dress matching their standard. But then, the standard is reflected in one's choice, approach, and personality. 

So, Ashika couldn't care less about that. 

I'll attend the party ☺️

I'll wait for you.
Also, I reached home

Good night
And... Thanks for the medicines...

No problem... See you tomorrow

Yeah okay
Good night

Good night

With this, their conversation ended, and Ashika got up and selected the dress for the party. She kept aside and went to sleep. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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