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Ashika went inside the art room. She saw that the students were not seated on their respective seats. They were gossiping and doing some random stuff. Her eyes got stuck on that one person and his actions. It was Jimin.

He was sitting on the table and Yerin was sitting on the corresponding chair. They both were kissing each other passionately. Yerin saw Ashika from her side eyes, but she didn't stop kissing. Ashika went and sat on the last corner seat that was empty. Soon, the teacher came in as well. Everyone settled on their seats. The number of seats in the classroom was exactly the half of number of students.

The partner seat of Ashika's bench was still empty. The teacher was about start the class when a boy came inside the class. The teacher looked up to see who it was.

" Taehyung, why are you late?"

" Sorry sir. I ran out of papers. So, I went to the campus mart to buy some."

" Tell me your roll number. Today, you will be marked as a late comer in the hourly attendance"

Taehyung kept his gaze low and told his roll number. Jimin, Jungkook, Yuri, Seulbi, Iseul, looked at each other and then at Taehyung. The point was that where was he going to sit. 

They cannot switch seats in front of the teacher. Jimin had to sit with Yerin, Jungkook sat with Yuri, and Iseul and Seulbi sat together. The teacher wrote Taehyung's roll number in the late comers and told him to sit on the empty desk. 

Taehyung was not someone who would argue with the teacher for a seat. He scanned the classroom and walked towards the only empty seat. Jimin's gaze followed Taehyung as he walked towards the last corner seat. 

Ashika was praying God not to send Taehyung on her seat. But however, Taehyung reached her seat even before her prayers could reach god. 

Taehyung sat down. The students took a note of it. Jimin looked at Taehyung and Ashika who were sitting together. The teacher started talking about the extra credit compulsory project. The project was important for brownie points too. Everyone in the university did those projects to get better grades and credit score. 

" The project is basically about the traditional art styles of 60 countries. Those 60 countries have to be the top 60 countries globally in terms of GDP. You guys have to make a project file about the art styles of these countries. The project should be elaborated. You have to draw the famous art style on a 20 by 20 canvas. Each country carries 5 credit points. You do this project, and you won't have to attend this class for the rest of the year. Also, additional credits points will be given to the first 10 pairs out of 50 pairs. You all can attend this art class for fun... I'll be teaching various painting styles and designs. Eager students can definitely join the classes even after the project. "

A random student asked a question from the teacher. 

" Sir, the deadline?"

" The deadline is a month. Next month on 9th, I'll take the project. If you can bring it before that, it's even better. "

" Sir, also. Can't we do the project in a group of 6?"

" No. The project is to be done in pairs. Your bench mate will be your partner. I hope there are no more queries." The teacher spoke and looked at the watch he wore. There was still some time left for the next hour. 

Why!! God Why are you doing this to me!! I want to stay away from Jimin's friends!!! God why being so mean huh!!!

Ashika spoke in her mind. Her expressions were changing with her thoughts. At one moment she was scrunching her nose and the very next moment she was frowning. Taehyung looked at her with a straight face.  

" There are almost 30 minutes left. You guys can make a plan with your partners till then. Thanks for giving me all ears class."

The teacher left. Jimin had to work with Yerin. 

Taehyung turned towards Ashika.

" Hey... Uhmm... You okay?" Taehyung asked politely. 

" Y-yeah..."

" So... it seems like we are the project mates..."

" I-I... don't think that we would be able to do the project together... Y-you are J-Jimin's friend... You- It'll be awkward for you... and Jimin..."

" Yeah... Apparently... We didn't have a formal introduction with each other..." Taehyung seemed to ignore Ashika's words.

" Pardon?"

" Let's have a formal introduction... I am Taehyung"

" I am Ashika... So... I don't understand Korean that fluently so... let's make our medium of conversation as English while the project is on..."

" Sure"

Ashika nodded and stood up to leave. She was about to cross the seat when she heard Taehyung's words. 

" It won't be awkward. We are not supposed to show our work to the other duo. This project should be made with confidentiality... Otherwise we will lose marks..." 

Ashika turned towards him. 

" Taehyung... please... let's not make it more awkward than it already is..."

" I don't find anything awkward about us being project partners. It's not like we both chose each other... And above all, the marks are important..."

Ashika thought for a moment and spoke. 

" O-okay..."

She was again leaving and was about to cross Taehyung's side, but he again stopped her. 

" Ashika! Your phone number..."

" Oh... Y-yeah..."

Ashika gave her phone number to Taehyung but in a hurry she didn't take his number. She was about to walk off. Ashika stopped again. This time it wasn't Taehyung. This time it was her. Ashika turned around and spoke to Taehyung. 

" Taehyung, when can we start the project?"

" Tomorrow maybe we can discuss it at my house... After college. You can come with me only... "

" Ok. But, I won't be able to stay till late. "

" Where do you live?"

" In the university apartment"

" Ahh... it's in the opposite direction of my house... I'll drop you home. Is that fine?"

" No it's okay... I'll go by myself"

Ashika spoke and hurried her way out. She didn't even hear the last words that Taehyung spoke. But someone heard him. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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