💕 CHAPTER 20 💕

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Taehyung wanted to nap as it was a way of escapism from bitterness for him. He tried to take a nap but it was far from him. 

He started recalling that time. That bitterly blissful time. 


Taehyung was in his second year of upper secondary school. All of his friends had got themselves a girlfriend, yet he was still single. He was always a quiet boy but was still talkative. Selectively. Jimin, his best friend was also seeing a girl. 

Taehyung had liked this one girl from his class and often saved her from being bullied several times. Her name was Haerim. Kang Haerim. She was from a middle-class family. She was that typical loner in the class. Her grades were above average. She wasn't too gorgeous. 

Taehyung was a secret admirer of Haerim. She was his crush from the first year of his upper secondary. Finally, after crushing on her for 1 year, Taehyung confessed his feelings towards her.

At first, Haerim was scared. What if. What if her bullies make Taehyung their next target? Well, almost half of the schoolgirls had a crush on Taehyung. 

Taehyung proposed to Haerim with a cute handwritten letter. 

"Haerim, I wanted to tell you that I like you! Would you please let me be your boyfriend?" Taehyung said in one breath.

At first, Haerim was in shock, but when she realized what he had said, she seemed happy.

"I like you too, Taehyung. I want to be your girlfriend," she replied.

They gladly accepted each other's proposal, and Taehyung embraced her in a beautiful hug.

Everything was going very well, perhaps a little too well. Haerim had been struggling with English for a long time, but with Taehyung's help, she was finally able to improve. Taehyung was always there for her, supporting and guiding her through the difficult language. His love and admiration for her were the driving forces behind his assistance.

Haerim also used to take his help in the smallest of matters. All of Taehyung's friends started to notice that dating Haerim had made Taehyung lose himself. Arguments and disputes were becoming normal among the Fab12. 

Taehyung's love and adoration for Haerim was growing with each passing day. But, from her side, the reciprocation started to reduce once her image in the class started to improve. This was all because of Taehyung dating her. 

By the last year of their schooling, Haerim lost her interest in Taehyung. Yet she was still with him. Taehyung was so in love with her that he did not realize where things were taking him. 

When the final examinations were around the corner, Haerim broke up with Taehyung, breaking his heart. 

It was a Tuesday morning. Their exams were commencing on Monday. Taehyung and Haerim met each other in a park. 

" Why so suddenly... I mean we-"

" Taehyung I need a breakup. I cannot connect with you... I just don't feel anything for you Taehyung... Find yourself a nice girl Taehyung and please don't linger around me in the class anymore."

Haerim spoke and ran away from there leaving behind a heartbroken Taehyung. He was in tears. She was his first love. 

At least that's what he thought. 

Taehyung just sat on the bench. He didn't let a single tear out. He was heartbroken. 

The very next day, he was at a grocery store. He was told to buy some necessary snacks. Taehyung carefully picked up the told items and paid the bill. When he was exiting the grocery store, he saw a couple. 

It was Haerim and a boy. 

They seemed very happy together. 

But didn't they break up yesterday only? Taehyung marched towards them with a heavy heart and quick steps. 

" Haerim?"

Taehyung voiced out. 

The girl turned around and so did the boy. 

" Taehyung are you following me!"

She sounded a little offended. 

" Who is he?"

" It's none of your concern-"

The other boy cut her off and spoke. 

" Are you the boy from her school?"

" Who are you-"

" Taehyung just leave please" Haerim spoke between them. 

" She is my girlfriend okay. Dude, she was with you so that she doesn't get bullied. You only think, you guys never spoke to each other in class, how can she say that she likes you?! We have been together for almost 3 years now! "

" You heard him? Now stop following me!"

Haerim and her boyfriend spoke and left with each other, while Taehyung just stood there. Heartbroken. 

That was the day everything changed for him. 

His personality and the way he is at the present moment are all because of Haerim. Taehyung never got the proper closure. He still protected Haerim during the exam days and the result day. 

None of the students except the fab12 knew what happened with Taehyung. He still considered her as his first love. He could not tell this to anyone but Jimin whom he considered his best friend. 

He told Jimin about having an abrupt closure and that Haerim still is her first love. He did not expect Jimin to bring Haerim up so suddenly and act like this with Taehyung. 

Jimin's words and behavior hurt him a lot. 


Taehyung came out of his trance as his eyes were moist. He sat straight and inhaled a deep breath. He left for his next class since he had already missed his first period. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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