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Ashika hurriedly went out. She couldn't see Jimin kissing some other girl. Ashika went to the open courtyard and sat down under a tree. She took a deep breath. Warm tears made their way out of her eyes. 

She was crying. She couldn't control it. Being hit by someone for absolutely no reason is not good. Nobody likes that. Seeing your love kiss a woman that is not you breaks the heart into a million pieces. And when all these things are happening, and you have no body you can talk to is the saddest part. 

Ashika wanted to talk to Varun, but she couldn't. She didn't want to worry him by telling him what is happening with her in the foreign land. She was crying her eyes out. She took out a small brown diary from her bag pack. She was writing about her feeling in her diary. 

Everyone was busy in their own world. Ashika was writing about her feelings. A few people sat beside her. It was Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jiah.

" Hi Ashika..." Jungkook spoke. 

Ashika looked up to see Jungkook and 2 of his friends. She immediately wiped her tears and spoke.

" H-Hi..."

" Ashika you were crying?" Jiah immediately asked when she saw her swollen eyes. 

" Is it because of what happened in the cafeteria?" Jungkook spoke.

" No... I was just missing my friends... not so serious..."

" Ashika would you come with us to the arcade today?" Namjoon asked her.

" Uhmm... I am sorry but I won't be able to come there..."

" We are all going there. Please Ashika join us... Yerin won't be there..." Namjoon spoke again. 

" Why are you guys trying to include me with yourselves...? I can't... Jimin... He won't like it... I am sorry to come off like this... Please understand him... I can't make things more awkward than they already are... Your friend Taehyung became my project partner... It is already so awkward... Please Jiah..." Ashika pleaded. 

Jiah went silent. Jungkook and Namjoon looked at each other. 

" What if we tell you that we want to become friends with you?" Jungkook spoke.

" You... w-want to... " Ashika spoke.

" Ashika please don't say no..." Namjoon again spoke. 

" oh-ohkay..." Ashika spoke and went away. 

" Ashika your phone number-" Jiah couldn't even complete her sentence. Ashika went away. 


Ashika went back to her condo. She kept her bag and rested for a bit. She ate something and then started doing her work. It was almost 7 when she received an anonymous call. Ashika picked up the call. 

" Hello?"

" Bitch! Stay away from Fab12 and especially Jimin! Otherwise, things won't go great for you!"

The other person hung up the call even before Ashika could say anything. Ashika got scared. She got another call from an unknown number. She got scared. Her hands were shaking. She frantically picked up the call. 

" H-hello?" Ashika stuttered again. This time she was very scared. The other person's voice made her tensed up muscles relax a bit. The person sounded a bit sane.

" Annyeong Ashika. Taehyung this side"

" Ahh... It's you T-taehyung..."

" I am outside your house. I came to pick you up for the arcade"

" Y-yeah... I'll be there in 5 minutes"

Ashika wiped the sweat beads that had formed on her forehead due to fear. She drank a glass of water and quickly changed her clothes into something comfortable and went down. Ashika took her phone and went down. She didn't want to go. 

When she reached down, she saw Taehyung and walked towards him. He was not alone. Jiah, Mira, and Hoseok were also sitting inside. 

The atmosphere outside the car was silent and peaceful but inside the car was chaotic. Hoseok and Mira were being all Lovey Dovey and Jiah was on the phone bickering with Jungkook. Jiah wanted to sit on the corner seat, so she sat on the backseat along with Hoseok and Mira who were being a cringy couple. 

There was no spot left except the passenger's and the driver's seat. Ashika had to seat beside Taehyung who was sitting in the driver's seat. Ashika and Taehyung were completely silent while the other 3 kept on talking. 

Soon, they reached the arcade. The 5 of them were waiting for the others. Soon they saw Namjoon, along with Yuri, Iseul, Seulbi. They were waiting for Jimin, and Jungkook to come. 

Soon a red sports car pulled over. Out came Jimin from the driver's seat, looking utterly handsome. Jungkook stepped out from the backseat. He was supposed to come out of the passenger's seat. Only Jimin and Jungkook were coming together. 

Jungkook walked towards the others with an upset face. Jimin walked towards the passenger seat of his car and opened the door to a female whose name supposedly was Yerin. 

Ashika saw Jimin ignore her and help Yerin out of the car. She didn't say anything and just stood there. Yerin and Jimin went near the others. The others especially Jiah, Mira, Yuri, Jungkook, Hoseok looked at him with a questionable look. 

Taehyung took a glance at Ashika who was looking at Jimin and Yerin continuously. Jimin saw Ashika and removed his hand from Yerin's forearm. 

They sighed and started walking inside. 

Yerin walked ahead. Mira pushed Jiah and Iseul to accompany her. The others were walking together. 

Namjoon slapped Jimin's arm.

" Yahh!! Pabo! Why did you bring her here!?"

" Hyung! Ah waeee! Na pabo aniya!!! Na pabo anirago jinjja" Jimin whined with a scrunched nose while rubbing his upper arm. 

" Jimin you didn't have to bring her!"

" It's not his fault hyung. She insisted. She heard our conversation with Ashika... near the tree" Jungkook spoke.

" Conversation?" Hobi asked.

" Yes babe. We had to ask her right... We didn't find her after the canteen so that is why" Mira spoke. 

They all went inside. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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