💕 CHAPTER 14 💕

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The additional dance class was everyone's favourite class. Everyone got a chance to perform their dance on the spot. The teacher usually gave a theme. All the students assembled in the dance room. It was a big room with mirrors and a wooden floor. 

The teacher told them that they had to dance by their own choice. Everyone was excited today. Ashika was hesitant.

" Iseul... I don't think that I would be able to dance... I think I am going to skip this session. " Ashika whispered in her ear. Iseul sighed and replied sweetly. 

" Ashika... We want to see you dance, please... We know you can do it!! Hwaiting!!" 

Taehyung, Jungkook, Seulbi, and Yuri also heard her cheering Ashika. The others except Taehyung also cheered for her to which she gave a small smile. 

Taehyung's turn came and he danced. His moves were quite impressive. He has always been great at dancing. Soon it was Iseul's turn followed by Seulbi. 

Now it was Ashika's turn. She was a bit nervous as she didn't know how to dance to a Korean song. She wanted to ask her teacher if she could dance to an Indian song. At first, she was hesitant. 

" What happened miss?" The teacher asked her in English. Judging from her looks, she didn't seem Korean. 

" Uhmm... Actually, I wanted to ask if I could dance to an Indian song. "

" You are Indian?" The teacher questioned to which Ashika nodded her head in agreement. 

" Go ahead. You can dance according to your choice. Even we would like to see someone perform on an indian song" The teacher said with an assuring smile. The teacher also told her to connect her own phone to the speaker and play the song. 

Ashika learned contemporary dance in her school and still remembers it because she enjoyed it. The teacher and her friends clapped for Ashika. Ashika returned to her place and got flustered from the continuous appreciation the 3 girls threw at her. Jungkook and Yuri also danced and so did the other students. 

After the dance lecture, they went to their class for regular periods. The girls sat in their place where they sat in the morning and so did Jungkook. Taehyung was nowhere to be found in the class. Ashika was curious so she asked Yuri. 

" Yuri, why is Jungkook sitting alone?"

" Oh! Is that it?" Yuri paused and looked back for Taehyung but didn't find him anywhere. She continued further, " He must be bunking the class"

Ashika nodded and resumed her work. 

Taehyung was sitting alone on the terrace where the extra benches were kept along with Namjoon. Namjoon had also bunked his class and was roaming when he saw Taehyung approaching the terrace. He followed him. 

" Why did you bunk your class hyung?"

" Why did you bunk your class Tae?"

" Oh, this! I don't quite like environmental management... What about you hyung?"

" I had this art period I hate the most... If it were the music lessons I would have taken them"

" Hyung... I don't want to go to that party... jebalyeo" Taehyung spoke trying to persuade Namjoon but in vain. 

" Tae you know Jin hyung struggled so much... We can't disappoint him... It's his anniversary party... Rumi noona also loves you Tae... How long are you gonna stay hung up with the past?"

" It's not about the past... I just don't like to face the crowd hyung... Can't we keep a private party with fab 12, Iseul, Seulbi, and Ashika?"

" Taehyung we can have that party too... At the party, you can hang out with your friends only and not pay a lot of attention to the others... After that, we all can celebrate" 

" Arraseo"
(I understand)

They both started talking about the general stuff. At home, Taehyung doesn't quite interact with everyone. He stays in his room most of the time. Once they checked the time, they headed for their classes. 

Taehyung entered the class and sat beside Jungkook. Jungkook didn't question him a lot but still, he asked his whereabouts from Taehyung to which Taehyung said that he was bunking because he didn't like the subject and the teacher. 

The rest of the day, they attended the classes. 

After their classes, they all had planned to go to the Jeons. When they were going toward their car in the parking area, they saw Seokjin and his wife Rumi. Seulbi ran and hugged Rumi. She was Rumi's younger sister. 

All the friends greeted Jin and Rumi. 

" A new friend guys?" Rumi asked. 

" Yes, noona. She is from India. She is new at our Uni too" Namjoon answered. 

" Cool guys."

They all smiled at Seokjin and Ashika greeted the couple in Korean. Somehow, she knew the basic salutations. 

" So guys, it's our 1st anniversary the day after tomorrow!! See, after the formal banquet, we all will have a sleepover at the Kims and Hobi's favourite-" Seokjin got cut off by an excited Hoseok. 

"Barbeque!!!!" Hobi squealed in happiness. 

" Yes, Hobi... Now, all of you have to attend that and I won't hear a no as an answer! Don't make me feel sad on my day guys!! " Rumi spoke fake crying and everyone laughed. 

" Going somewhere, guys?" Namjoon asked Jungkook. 

" Yes, hyung... Taehyung, Iseul, Ashika, Seulbi, and I are going to my house to do the maths assignment. We will be a bit late maybe" 

" Yeah yeah, guys!! Don't always keep studying and enjoy! Me and my wife are off!! And Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, Mira, you guys also go and have fun!! Bye!!" Seokjin drove off. 

Taehyung and the ones with the math homework left. Namjoon and the others made an instant plan for hotpot and left too. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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