💕 CHAPTER 12 💕

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The very next day, Ashika woke up and went to take a bath. She wore her kurta and got ready. She ordered some bread and milk from the instant mart. She toasted 2 breads for herself in a hurry and drank a glass of milk. She picked up her bag and left for the university. She had to take a bus today. She again followed the internet to reach her university. 

Ashika reached the university just in time

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Ashika reached the university just in time. She would have gotten late if she arrived a few minutes later. Her first class was applied mathematics. It was a subject Ashika loved doing. Ashika entered the university. She was smiling but her smile dropped seeing some girls.

They were the same girls from yesterday. The ones who bullied her and warned her near the locker area. Ashika tried to avoid them and was leaving when one of them saw her. 

The girl didn't look Korean. To say that Ashika was scared was an understatement. She was freaked out. 

" Calling doom on yourself is what you are doing! You bitch!" The girl said. She had a strong Australian accent. She must be from Australia is what Ashika assumed as she walked away from them. 

Ashika reached her classroom. She again sat on the last corner bench. No one quite paid attention to her. She wanted things to remain this way only. Ashika was looking out of the window as she admired the beautiful scenery. The scenery was captivating her heart. The sun was shining, and the trees were standing high. 

The girls in the classroom started cheering when they saw Jungkook and Taehyung coming together while talking to each other. Iseul, Yuri, and Seulbi also were talking with them. Seeing the 3 pretty girls, the boys also felt their hearts flutter. 

Yuri noticed Ashika and loudly called out her name. 

" Ashika!! Annyeong!" Yuri waved at her. Followed by Iseul and Seulbi as well. Ashika smiled at them as she came out of her trance. 

" Come on! Let's sit together. I have this really great gossip!! Omo!! I can't wait to share it with my girlies!! " Seulbi, the gossip queen of the group squealed. Ashika wanted to decline it. But, just then, she recalled a certain someone's words. 

" Okay... Let's sit together..." Ashika spoke with a smile. She didn't know that hearing her answer, Taehyung's ears perked up. He stopped talking to Jungkook and turned towards the girls. 

" Hi Assika!" Jungkook spoke not being able to pronounce her name right. They all were standing and Ashika joined them too. She again made herself become the topic of discussion. The classmates were talking about her hanging out with the most popular group in the college. Fab12. 

" Hi, Jungkook" Ashika waved back at him. Her eyes met Taehyung. She passed him a small smile. 

" Hey Ashika..." Taehyung spoke. His voice was deep and raspy. Ashika waved back at him as well. They all sat down in the middle column, occupying 6 seats for themselves. 

Soon after they settled themselves, the mathematics teacher arrived. He started teaching them the basic applied mathematics. The professor started teaching them and gave them some problem stuff. Once, he delivered the lecture and the questions he told the students that tomorrow, he would check these problems and that the students had to do them as an assignment. The questions were printed on a sheet and were almost 100 in number. He left after this. 

Seulbi turned toward Ashika, and they both tilted backwards where Yuri and Iseul sat. 

"Guys guess what!!!" Seulbi spoke excitedly.

" What happened?" Yuri asked annoyed with the suspense. 

" So yesterday, at night, I was checking my Instagram. Like for real! I found this really cute guy by the username @yawnzzn. Like he did not post anything on his Instagram. Only his profile picture was there." Seulbi added.

" So, did you talk to him?" Ashika asked as her curiosity kicked in. The girls were so focused on the chat that they forgot about Jungkook and Taehyung. 

" How did you even know that he is cute? He had posted nothing. Like no post-" Iseul got cut off by Yuri. 

" Update your Instagram jagiya!" Ashika and Seulbi chuckled. 

Being with them made Ashika forget about the bad things. 

" Tell me and Taehyung hyung also!! What are the 4 of you talking about!!" Jungkook whined like a child.  

" Not me! Aah! Ashika, we will go to your apartment. I have bought my laptop for the research. It's in my car."

" Ohk Taehyung... We will go together then. " Ashika spoke softly with a small smile. The next lecturer arrived delivered the lecture and left. Soon, it was the lunch break. 

Some students went to the ground while some of them went to the cafeteria. Some of them were talking with their friends. 

" Ashika, let's go to the canteen to eat lunch" 

Ashika thought for a while that Jimin would also be there. Yet she agreed to them. 

" You guys head there, I'll keep my stuff in the locker and come. Wait for me okay?" Ashika spoke. She genuinely felt that she should socialize... Maybe a little bit.

" Okay!! Be quick" Iseul spoke and side hugged Ashika and left with the others. 

Ashika went to the lockers and kept her bag in it and she drank some water from her water bottle. Ashika kept her water bottle back and closed her locker. Just when she turned around, Ashika felt shivers run down her spine. Something cold was poured on her head. 

It was the same bully girls from before. They poured cold water on Ashika's head making her freeze where she stood. A girl slapped her on her face. Ashika fell from the impact of the slap. 

She looked at them with teary eyes. 

" We told you to stay away from Jimin oppa. Yet you kissed him in the arcade yesterday!! Aren't you scared of us!!" A girl spoke. She looked like any other Korean person. The Australian girl filmed everything while one girl stood there with her arms folded on her chest. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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