💕 CHAPTER 19 💕

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The very next day Ashika woke up to her ringing alarm. She got out of bed and got ready for college. She would go to the venue by 6. 

Ashika wore her clothes and had her breakfast before going to the college. 

Ashika reached the college

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Ashika reached the college. Honestly, she was scared to go near the locker area. But, shouldn't she be brave and face the people who are wronging her? At least that's what she thought. 

Ashika went to the lockers. The room was filled with the students. She silently went and took her necessary stuff. She was exiting the locker room when she saw Taehyung enter the lockers. 

They smiled at each other. Ashika wanted to thank him properly. So, she waited for him until he took his stuff. 

Ashika was standing there and she felt that someone brushed past her. When she saw the person, it was her bully. Ashika visibly shivered at the eye contact she made with her. The girl eyed Ashika and went to her locker. 

Soon, Taehyung came near Ashika. 

" Hey "

Taehyung stopped when he heard her. He turned around to face her.

" I... wanted to thank you for..."

" for..." 

Taehyung looked at her intently as he repeated her last word with raised eyebrows. 

" For... the medicines and the pain patches"

" for... the medicines and the pain patches... Right" 

Disappointment laced his face for a fraction of a second before maintaining his composure. He did expect something else. 

" Ashika..."

" Yeah?"

" Are you coming to the party tonight?"

" Uhmm... Yes"

" I'll pick you up"

" No, it's fine. Your house is in the opposite direction... It'll be a hassle for you and it's your brother's party"

" I'll come to pick you up"

" It's okay Taehyung... I'll manage"

" We are getting late for the class let's go"

They started walking towards their class. 

" Taehyung, I'll manage"

" And I am saying this to you for the last time. You don't know the way. I'll take you with me."

Ashika sighed. On their way, they met Jimin. Jimin's face was gloomy. 

" Ashika you go ahead. I'll join you guys in the class."

Ashika and Jimin shared a brief eye contact before Ashika frantically broke it and went ahead. 

" What are you doing Tae?" Jimin asked Taehyung in a serious tone. 

" What am I doing Jimin-ssi?"

" You are lingering around Ashika as if she is your-"

" She is my?"

" Girlfriend"

Taehyung looked at Jimin with a cold and calm look and so did the latter. 

" We need to talk"

Jimin said being serious yet composed. Taehyung never lost his cool. 

Taehyung took out his phone and dialled Jungkook. He told him to get his attendance proxy done since he won't be able to attend the class due to an urgent commitment. 

Jimin and Taehyung went to the terrace. The same place where Taehyung usually went and sat. 

" What is it Jimin?"

" Taehyung, stop lingering around everywhere with Ashika"

" You are no one to stop me Jimin. You are my friend and so is she."

" She doesn't seem like an only friend"

" Jimin-"

" Stop it Taehyung!"

Taehyung looked at Jimin with siren eyes. He knew where this conversation was leading them. Nowhere. 

" Taehyung, Ashika is my girlfriend"

" Ex-Girlfriend"

" We need to have a proper closure for her to become my ex. "

" People become exes. Irrespective of the closure. "

" I didn't see that coming from you Taehyung "

Hearing this Taehyung went silent. His body stiffened. He had no words. 

" Last time I remembered you had a proper closure and still were attached to Haerim. Oh! Never mind... people become exes irrespective of the closure. You are wrong Taehyung. It's the heart that keeps people attached. Ashika is still attached to me. You stand no chance so back off mate"

" I... I don't harbour-"

" Please Taehyung. Not this time. Please"

Taehyung lost it this time. He didn't want to. Still, he did. In the fit of the moment, he said things, he didn't really mean.

" You already have someone. Respect her and Ashika Jimin. Respect the bond and the friendship we share"

" Or what! Ashika has feelings for me! She was my girlfriend and still will be mine only"

" Do you even know what has happened since she came here? No right! So shut up!"

" Don't become the third wheel Taehyung"

Saying this Jimin didn't even wait for Taehyung's reply and left. 

Taehyung went to the spot where he usually sits. He wanted to take a nap. A nap was his way of escapism. Escapism from the bitterness. From the harsh things he faces. 

Taehyung and Ashika were friends. They kind of relied on each other. Ashika considered Taehyung as nothing but a friend. She had Varun but he was away from her. She didn't want to stress him out too much. Taehyung had become like this over the years after Haerim, his first love cheated on him. 

Jimin was his best friend but not everything your best friend does is correct. Right? 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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