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Lucius gave Mattheo the rings, and Fearyn smiled. She gave her husband her hand but then froze.

The Lord was confused and looked down at her stomach. She was full of blood.

Fearyn broke down, and Mattheo screamed her name while he pressed his hand on her stomach.

Her dress was completely bloody, and the Lord was so in panic.

For the first time in his life, he felt so helpless and so weak.


Mattheo startled and breathed quickly.

It was only a dream. It was only a dream.

The Lord looked at his left side and saw his wife calmly and peacefully sleeping.

Mattheo lay down again and hid his head in Fearyn's hair. He noticed how she turned around and opened her eyes.

The witch looked at her husband and saw his red cheeks, his sweaty forehead, and heard that his breath was really fast.

She sat up and gently stroked his cheek and gave him a "What's wrong?" Face.

Mattheo laughed deeply at her reaction and pulled his forehead at hers.

"Just a bad dream," he whispered with his morning voice, even when it was still in the middle of the night.

Fearyn sighed and nodded after he said that, she caressed his hair and started to smile at him.

The Lord pulled a little away so that he could look into his wife's beautiful eyes.

He noticed that she looked worried at him. Mattheo didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so he ignored her look and kissed the little witch on her forehead.

But Fearyn continued to look at him with the gaze and sat up. She wanted to have an honest relationship with him.

Mattheo sighed, and his mood changed from sweet to serious.

"Fearyn, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me, okay?" he whispered and didn't keep his eyes from her.

The girl nodded and laid back again.

Mattheo didn't want to overwhelm her. There are people outside who want to do bad things to her and the secret with the green crystal.

He hid his face in Fearyn's hair again and caressed her arms while he started to fall asleep.


"What do you mean you don't know who it was!" screamed Mattheo, angry, and slapped the table with his fist again.

Mattheo made a meeting with all Death Eaters today.

He hoped that someone saw the person who wanted to hurt his Fearyn, but nobody had an idea who it was.

"My Lord ma-"

"Shut up!" screamed the Riddle at one of his Death Eaters and stood up and walked around the table.

"Someone wants to hurt my wife! Your Lady! And when I'll find out who it was, I will kill him so slowly and enjoy his screams so much. It will be like music to my ears." said Mattheo, satisfied and threatening.

The Lord walked around and looked at his eyes went to Lorenzo, who looked at the New Death Eater Alaric.

"Are you alright, Alaric?" asked the Riddle dangerous and walked nearer to him. "Yes, my Lord," answered Alaric and tried to sound calm.

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