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"Fuck!" yelled Mattheo as the plants pulled him into the hole.

He tried to free himself by slapping the plants away or tearing them apart. But nothing helped because the plants didn't get less.

Mattheo tried to hold himself on the roots, but even the roots began to attack him.

The Lord groaned as he suddenly was thrown on the ground, he lay there for a few seconds to realize what happened after he opened his eyes and looked where he was.

"Mattheo!" yelled Lorenzo as he ran to him and helped him to get up.

The Berkshire was full of blood and bruises which was why Mattheo widened his eyes.

"Lorenzo, what-" began the Lord but his death eater interrupted him. "I'm fine, I promise. Draco got worse."

"Wait, Draco is also here?" asked Mattheo in confusion. "Yeah, everyone except Theodore, Fearyn, and Pansy," answered Lorenzo as he began to take a few steps back.

Mattheo followed him while looking around the cave.

As Mattheo and Lorenzo walked deeper into the cave, tried the Lord to find out where the fuck they were.

It would be dark and cold If the little fires on the walls weren't on.

The two walked into an open cell where Draco was lying in pain. He lay curled up on the floor, bleeding while groaning his lungs out.

Mattheo kneeled in front of his death eater while pulling his arm from his bloody stomach away.

"This isn't good," said Lorenzo from behind as he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms while looking at Draco.

"Oh, really?!" yelled Malfoy as he turned around on his back. Mattheo cursed while ripping off a piece of his T-shirt to wrap it around Draco's stomach.

Malfoy yelled out in pain while Mattheo stood up and turned in Lorenzo's direction with a stressed face, "We need to get out of here, find my wife and burn this fucking place!"

Lorenzo swallowed as his eyes didn't move away from his Lord.

Mattheo put his arm around Draco's waist to help him up. Malfoy's blood flowed down on the ground, which made Lorenzo choke.

"Alright let's just-" began Mattheo to say but was interrupted as Theodore and Pansy fell on the ground.

Out of nowhere.

The eyes of Mattheo, Lorenzo, and Draco widened, and the Lord began to get hope that Fearyn would also fall from nowhere.

But it didn't happen.

"Thanks for catching." groaned Theodore as he stood up and helped Pansy to get on her feet.

Mattheo rolled his eyes at them as he looked back up at the brown dirty earth where the pants moved back away.

The brown-haired one swallowed as his gaze moved to his death eater.

"You have not seen Fearyn, right?" asked the Lord as he was about to explore.

Theo walked slowly and carefully in Mattheo's direction as he moved his hands on his Lord's shoulder while saying calmly, "Mattheo, don't get-"

But before Theodore could end his sentence to calm him down, pushed Mattheo Theo angrily against the wall and screamed, "Don't get mad?! My wife, my love, is somewhere out there, maybe in danger and I don't know where!"

Theodore swallowed as he was pressed against the wall, and started to smirk, "Mattheo, you know I'm not gay but..."

The Lord looked at him in a serious, dangerous way which made Theo swallow again and he continued, "But yeah, we- we need to find Fearyn. Who knows, maybe she is in danger or... with another man."

Mattheo couldn't believe what he was hearing from his death eater, he narrowed his eyes at him while hissing in a threatening way, "You think this is funny, Nott?"

Theodore hid his chuckle as he shook his head and whispered, "No, my Lord."

The death eaters were listening to what happened in front of them as they looked a little down because they were afraid to look or say something wrong.

Silence was between them because no one dared to talk right now. Mattheo let Theodore go as he turned around and looked at the wall in front of him.

"Where are we?" he questioned himself in a whisper until they heard a loud bang behind them.

The group turned with widened eyes around, Mattheo wanted to take his wand, but it wasn't in his pockets.

The death eaters were searching their wands too, until they started to hear a dark, threatening laugh.

"You're in my little home, Riddle," said a dark voice from nowhere.

Mattheo looked confused back at his friends until Pansy placed her hands on his shoulder to turn him in her direction.

The Lord's eyes narrowed as he saw a dark shadow in front of him.

The person was definitely a man, because of his physique and his deep voice.

"Show your face," said Mattheo also in a deep, threatening voice as he stepped slowly to the man.

But suddenly a grid appeared in front of his eyes.

He and his friends were trapped.

The group was running towards the grid and shook it with their hands while screaming at him.

The unknown man just laughed at them as he stepped slowly forward.

His little steps made the friends quiet and they were just watching what the man who was still in the shadow was doing.

But Theodore and Mattheo ran out of patience and started shouting again.

"Show. Us. Your. Face!" yelled the two as they shook further on the cold metal.

The man laughed louder because he was enjoying his situation in front of him right now.

Mattheo's hands started to shake as he was still holding the cold metal, but suddenly he got quiet.

Everyone was completely quiet...

When they saw the one and only Azar Fellowes step out of the shadows.

He walked out with a fat grin on his face and took his wand out to give the boys an electric shock.

They yelled and Draco groaned as he fell and bled further.

Pansy yelled while running to Malfoy and kneeled in front of him as she placed his head on her lap.

Everyone was looking at him but didn't know what to do.

Mattheo again grabbed the metal as he yelled, "When I'm out, I promise, I'll put you in my cellar, let Nagini free, and then we will see who will laugh!"

Azar's grin never disappeared from his face and he grinned even more as he pointed his wand at Draco again and hurt him even more as he was.

"Ah, fuck!" screamed Draco as he started to get very pale on his face.

Mattheo was looking serious and shocked at the same time.

He didn't know what to do, think, react.

He felt helpless.

Azar, my love, my flower
... 👀

𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺!
♡ luvsyie

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