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Voldemort's son, the new Lord, who kills, fights, or tortures people when he must. Laid on his wife with closed eyes, while she caressed his dark brown hair.

His arms were around her, his head was hidden in her neck, and he gave her little kisses.

Sometimes the kisses are very light or very intense that Fearyn lifted her upper body.

The witch's eyes are closed, but she wasn't sleeping, she just loved this moment between her and Mattheo right now.

"We can go outside, I think Azar is in his office and cries," said the Lord quietly ―but Fearyn shook her head, she wanted to be here with him, stroking his hair while he kissed her.

Mattheo laughed at her answer and asked, "Is my love skipping class right now?"

The white-haired one smiled and nodded while her hand stroked slowly his neck. She notices his little scars and gently goes over them with her fingers.

The brown-haired one didn't mind, he also loved how she touched them gently.

After ten minutes, Fearyn stopped and moved down so that she was on Mattheo's level. The Lord noticed this and opened his eyes while he whispered, "Hi."

Fearyn smiled at him and moved her head so close that their lips touched, but Mattheo did nothing, he didn't kiss her or he didn't brush his lips over hers.

The witch squeezed challenging her eyes while the Lord did nothing.

Fearyn pulled her head back after a few seconds and wanted to lay down on her pillow, but suddenly she felt Mattheo's hand behind her head and he pulled her to his lips.

The white-haired one kissed smiling back, and the Lord whispered against her lips, "You little provocative girl."

Mattheo was on top of her and moved slowly his lips to her ear and whispered roughly, "Believe me, if I would tease you, you would even without words beg."

This made her freeze, and she looked at the brown-haired one with widened eyes.

Mattheo's serious face began to grin as he kissed her cheek.

Fearyn moved her head in his direction, and her hands went to his neck.

The Lord took it and kissed her hand as if she were a queen, but his lips didn't touch her once. He gave her over thousand little kisses.

As he finished, Mattheo pulled her to him to cuddle, but then someone walked without knocking in and screamed, "How could you skip lesson without me?!"

Theodore walked in front of the bed with a strict face while his hands were on his waist.

The Lord rolled his eyes at him and whispered in Fearyn's ear, "Sometimes I would like to grab him and throw him out of the window."

The white-haired one laughed quietly and sat up while she showed with her hand that Theodore could sit beside her.

"Thank you, Fearyn," he said, emphasizing the Fearyn. This made Mattheo roll his eyes again and sit up, while he noticed that the whole group came in

"And did you still have the book?" asked Lorenzo, and the Lord nodded while he pointed at his open bag, where the book showed out.

The Berkshire sighed relieved and sat on a chair.

"Well, it's great that we still have the book, but we can't do anything with it," said Draco and leaned himself against the wall.

Pansy walked past Draco to the book and replied, "That's why we're going to look at this again."

Everyone sat in a circle on Mattheo's bed while the Green Book was in the middle.

Pansy opened the first page, and there was a witch, going to a place full of trees.

"Well, I see a witch that walks into a forest." began Lorenzo, and everyone nodded. "Do you think it might be the forest of dean?" questioned Theodore, and Draco replied "Wow Theodore I've never heard anything so clever from your mouth before. "

Nott stuck his tongue out, and Lorenzo asked, "Ok, let's say she is in the forest of dean, then what is she doing there?"

Fearyn turned to another page, and there was the witch again who flew and shone.

Everyone was quiet and looked closely at the drawing. Theodore became impatient and flipped further, but the whole book was empty. This was the last drawing.

"Excuse me?!" screamed the Nott and groaned annoyed.

Mattheo sighed and said seriously, "Calm down Theodore,"

"I don't calm down! These drawings show a way to a forest with a creepy lighting witch, and then at the end, it just stops," said Nott and wrapped his arms in front of his chest.

"Shut up!" screamed Parkinson and stood with her knees up. "Guys, someone wrote something here!"

The group looked at the brown-haired one and moved nearer to the book. "Here," whispered Pansy and pointed at a text.

"Give me the book," said Lorenzo, and Parkinson handed it to him. Berkshire looks at it and reads slowly, "From Alice to my daughter Fearyn."

Mattheo took the book and put it between himself and Fearyn. The two looked at the book, and it stood really there. "This book isn't for Azar it's for you, Fearyn," whispered the Lord.

The witch recognized the handwriting of her mother and touched it once. Fearyn held her tears back, and now it was clear why the book looked so familiar to her.

She closed the book and gave it back to Pansy but Nott raised his eyebrows after he saw the book cover and whispered "We're so fucking dumb kids"

"What?" asked Draco and looked at the brown-haired one who grabbed the book, "The secret of the green crystal?!" yelled Theodore and continued "This is a description of how to get to the green crystal, and how it works! Draco didn't you say something like that at the beginning?"

"Yeah, Draco said this should be Powerful" replied Lorenzo.

"That's why Azar is here, he tries to get power over something," said Mattheo and everyone smiled because they finally found out why Azar was here and what the meaning of the book was.

"But for what is the crystal good?" asked Berkshire and looked confused at the group.

"Lorenzo stop ruining the moment" answered Nott pissed and slapped his neck.

"And now?" asked Pansy and looked at the Lord who answered, "We will search this green crystal."

"But how? We have school?" asked Pansy and Theodore yells "We're skipping school!"

𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺!
♡ luvsyie

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