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"Next time I'll go with Lorenzo," said Mattheo angrily, while he had a white dress in his hand which he stole from a student who liked to design.

"What?! Please it was just a little accident."
yelled Theodore while walking beside him.

"You flipped all the clothes," the Lord replied, running up the stairs with his Death Eater.


"Theo I'm telling you one last time, be quiet," whispered Mattheo sternly, slapping the back of his Death Eaters head.

"Hey!" whispered Theodore back as he started to walk, "All good Lord, I'm quiet like Batma-"

But suddenly he fell with all the dressed dolls.


Theodore rolled his eyes, and looked at the white dress, "For being a dangerous Lord, you're a real softie."

Mattheo gave him the biggest death stare and pulled Nott's head down by his earlobe.

The Death Eater screamed and immediately started begging, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're not a softie! You're dangerous, strong, and powerful!"

"We see us at the ball," said Mattheo coldly, smirking, and let go of him while walking towards his room.

Fearyn waited for her husband.

She sat on a chair, looking out from the window and sometimes at her beautiful wedding ring.

Slowly she began to worry, he should be at Hogwarts she thought to herself, and she was about to get up to look for him.

But suddenly opened the door.

The witch looked to her right and stared into Mattheo's chocolate brown eyes.

Fearyn stood up and wanted to run to him but stopped when she noticed a long white dress in his hands.

The wife looked at him confused while the Lord walked to her.

"Did you miss me?" asked Mattheo grinning and kissing his love on her soft lips.

The witch nodded while still looking confused at her husband, because of the dress.

Mattheo noticed it and grinned even wider, he showed her the white dress and Fearyn's eyes widened.

She never saw such a beautiful dress.

It was so long that the arms and legs weren't visible. The dress glittered lightly when the sun shone on it.

She wanted to wear it but she didn't know if it was for her, maybe Mattheo had to keep it for someone.

The Lord walked nearer to her and held the dress in front of her body, "This will suit you so much, my love"

Fearyn thought she didn't hear right, her heart began to race, and her hands began to sweat.

Mattheo moved his head a little aside while grinning at her reaction.

He saw how nervous and thankful she was and he knew that no one ever bought a dress for her.

Or stole.

The Lord placed the dress on his bed while he put his arm around her waist and placed his hand on her cheek.

"My love, you will go to the Yule Ball with me and this dress on your body." determined her husband while giving her kisses on the cheek.

"Do you want to try it on?" asked Mattheo between the kisses.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 | 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now