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The group had planned to go straight on the search. But unfortunately something came up.

The Death Eaters, Mattheo, and Fearyn looked out of the window and are now sitting angry and disappointed in the Slytherin common room.

"I completely forgot that winter existed," broke Theodore the silence while sucking on a lollipop he stole from a first grader.

Outside was the pure chaos. Usually, the group didn't care about the rules or what the teachers say, but this time they were right.

There's outside the worst storm, mixed with hail and snow.

And they all wanted to come back alive and not be dead because a fat hailstone falls on their head.

"But maybe we can prepare for it, I mean do you really think a powerful crystal is left unguarded somewhere?" asked Pansy, and the group nodded at her statement.

"I would be interested, why Azar wants the crystal so bad" said Lorenzo, while looking at his fingers.

This question had often crossed in Mattheo's mind as well. What could Azar do with it? Why was it so important for him when it was for Fearyn?

Riddle took suddenly the witch's hand, while he stood up and said to the others "I will now go with Fearyn to the library, firstly to teach her to read further and secondly maybe I will find something about crystal."

The group nodded and Mattheo left the room with his wife.

They walked hand in hand around the school, everyone was looking at them scared or confused. They all know what for a mother Alice was, she was kind, lovely, and helpful.

But now was the daughter of her with the son of Voldemort?

Mattheo ignored the looks and had just eyes for his wife or the wall while Fearyn stared the whole time out of the windows.

The last time when she saw snow was years ago.

She remembered how her mother dressed her in three jackets and two hats so she wouldn't get sick.

The witch noticed after a few minutes that they entered the library and she was amazed. It was so big and neat.

Fearyn and Mattheo had gone to a place where no one was so they could search and read in peace.

The witch sat down on a chair while the Lord searched for books and Fearyn just stared at him, his whole body from head to toe.

She watched every single movement.

How his fingers touched the books, how he pulled his eyebrows together in concentration, and how his shirt always slid a little up when he grabbed a few books from above.

Mattheo walked with them to his wife and put them on the table while he caught her staring. He winked at her and kept watching for other books.

The wink made Fearyn weak and she felt something strange in her stomach that flowed down to her legs.

The Lord walked to an other shelve, his fingers were touching every book again and Fearyn couldn't help but stare at his fingers or his whole hand where his attractive veins showed up.

"That's it," said Mattheo and walked back to the witch and sat beside her.

"The Most Powerful Crystals"

Fearyn looked at the old brown book and opened it, the positive was that there were pictures about the crystals the negative was there were so many words.

She looked unsure at her husband but he just put his strong hand on her thigh and said calmly "I'll teach you."

The two sat for over an hour in the library, but they didn't mind. Fearyn liked to learn with Mattheo, he did everything in detail and slowly.

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