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While Draco and Lorenzo were looking for an exit and Theodore was secretly drinking alcohol.

Stared Mattheo at his wife the whole time, sipped his drink while standing there on the edge of the Yule Ball.

Pansy danced like crazy while Fearyn just looked at her with a 'please help me' look.

The Lord noticed this of course and smiled after he put his drink on the table to went to her.

The witch didn't notice him and terrified after she felt the Lord's hand on her waist.

"It's just me" laughed Mattheo while kissing her neck, "I'll save you from the crazy my love"

Fearyn smiled, put her cold hands on his, and stroked them gently after she turned in his direction to look at him.

The brown-haired one smiled sweetly at her, he didn't mind who was watching them.

Everyone should see what a beautiful woman the Lord had.

The witch looked a little around, seeing that people were staring and talking.

She tried to ignore it, but couldn't help to feel uncomfortable because people were talking about them.

"Ignore them," said Mattheo rough in her ear, while caressing her waist, "or we go somewhere other?"

Fearyn looked at him up, started to smile a little while blushing.

She nodded and felt how Mattheo took her hand as they started to walk in direction door.

But suddenly Theodore came between the couple and asked drunkenly, "Where are you going my beautiful ones?"

The Lord sighed while looking at Theo's hand in confusion, "What have you got there?"

Nott started laughing and held a small white stuffed animal bunny up, "Stole it from a little girl."

Mattheo propped his head in his hands as the Death Eater gave the stuffed animal to Fearyn, "Here, I stole it for you" said Theo flirty, and winked at her after he walked away.

The Lord stared shocked at his best friend but decided to ignore this situation.

For now.

The witch looked with widened eyes at Mattheo who had his little jealousy face on.

As he met Fearyn's eyes she held the stuffed animal a little up and started to smile.

The brown-haired one couldn't look angry at her and he started to laugh a little while wrapping his arm around her waist.

Fearyn looked at him curiously because Mattheo had a destination where he wanted to go.

The Lord walked confidently through the hallway while the witch couldn't keep her eyes off him.

She tapped him all the time trying to get his attention but he just smiled a little while continuing to walk with her.

There were going many stairs up, first, she thought they were going to their room, but they didn't stop to walk further upstairs.

Fearyn and Mattheo entered a dark room which made her cough because of the mess.

The brown-haired one laughed as he walked faster with her the stairs up and finally reached the Astronomy Tower.

The witch looked a little confused at first but as she saw the beautiful sunset she smiled.

"I like to watch the sunset you know?" began Mattheo to say while walking with her nearer to the black railing.

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