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A loud scream came out of nowhere and
everyone covered their ears except Azar who stared at everything with a smile.

Mattheo began to breathe quickly as he looked angrily at Atlas and then began to shout at him, "Open this fucking gate!"

Atlas looked from the dark to Mattheo and used his powers as Fearyn began to shake.

She knew what kind of screaming that was.


Fearyn was at home with her cute little stuffed animal that her mother had made for her.

She smiled sadly to herself as she danced to the soft music her mother had given her.

She had been sad all the time recently.

She felt empty and didn't want to eat anymore.

She rocked her feet slightly around the room.

She always stayed in the same place.

Until she heard a scream.

The witch ran downstairs as fast as she could, gulping as she entered the dark cellar. It was completely dark and Fearyn had to feel her way around to avoid bumping into anything.

When she saw a small light, the girl ran towards it, but her heart stopped beating for a moment when she heard her mother scream.

Fearyn got tears in her eyes and slowed her steps while walking to the door.

She was afraid and hoped that Azar would leave her alone.

And he had left her alone.

But there was a large dragon in front of her.


Fearyn fell and everything around her was a blur, she breathed harder as she began to cry.

The dragon came closer and closer, everything went in slow motion for the white-haired one.

The others who were sitting in the cell screamed at Atlas.

Atlas tried his best.

Fearyn had the feeling that her heart was being torn out of her chest again as she remembered what happened in the past.

She had somehow forgotten, she had repressed it.

But now everything came up again.

All the memories.

Azar laughed and laughed. His laughter rang in her tender ears that just wanted to bleed.

The dragon began to sniff.

It stepped closer to Fearyn, who was no longer aware of her surroundings.

Theodore's eyes widened as he pointed at the white-haired one and shouted, "Fearyn! Get up! Fearyn!"

Mattheo moved his head in the direction of his wife, who sat paralyzed on the floor. Atlas also looked at the girl and noticed how the dragon was ready to spit fire.

Atlas ran to her and pushed Fearyn out of the way with him and they both slammed into a wall as the dragon missed with his fire.

The witch came back to reality and she looked into Atlas's brown eyes, which looked at her with concern.

The girl looked at him and her lower lip trembled.

The brown-haired one looked at her with wide eyes and as it grew dark around them they looked up and saw the head of the dragon.

He was big, very big, he almost didn't fit in the room. The dragon had black and gray skin. And he looked very hungry with his orange eyes.

Atlas grabbed Fearyn and ran with her to the other corner, making the dragon more aggressive.

While Mattheo couldn't stand it anymore and he shook the cell as hard as he could. He tried to tear the bars apart.

Even if it hurts.

But he would do anything for Fearyn, he would take away all her pain so that she no longer had to suffer.

Atlas had Fearyn in bridal style in his arms as he ran for his life across the room.

Azar just laughed as he watched it all from a distance.

His eyes sparkled with happiness.

The others shook the bars. Even Draco, who was already too weak and pale.

"Break!" shouted Mattheo as his hands began to bleed and he tried with all his might to get the grate open.

The witch ran and Atlas searched for his backpack, which he had put down somewhere because he had his best weapons in it.

He searched and searched and found it.

He was about to run there. But the dragon knocked it away with his tail.

"Fuck," whispered Atlas as he looked at the dragon who walked towards them.

Fearyn was back in her own world.

Just like before.

Which made the problem even bigger, because she wasn't moving.

The brown-haired one ran backward but slammed into a wall. He tried to dodge to the right. But there was the tail of the dragon.

Then he tried to turn left, but there was the head.

The orange eyes were staring at them with hunger.

Atlas moved his hand to use his powers but the dragon was already shooting fire from his mouth.

Someone shouted, "No!" And jumped over the dragon's body as she stood in front of them to protect them.

To protect Fearyn. Her best friend.

Atlas and Fearyn had their eyes closed and were ready to burst into fire.

But they weren't.

It was Pansy.

Fearyn's eyes widened as she pushed Atlas away from her and ran to her, but Mattheo stopped her by grabbing her waist.

Everyone looked at the situation with widened eyes. No one wanted to believe it.

Fearyn tried to push Mattheo away from her, Lorenzo and Draco stood in shock. While Theodore ran to Pansy and screamed.

It was all in slow motion.

The dragon stopped and lifted his head as he disappeared out of nowhere.

Atlas immediately used his powers over Pansy to stop the fire.

And Fearyn, she... she screamed.

She screamed in Mattheo's arms.

She screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

Pansy fell, but Theodore caught her. He looked down at her.

Pansy was burnt. She was burnt.


Theodore screamed as he started to cry and looked up, but Azar wasn't there.

He was gone.

And left the group alone.

Are you alright?

𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺!
♡ luvsyie

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