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It was a quiet morning, everyone ate their sandwiches, sitting in a circle. Except Atlas. He stood a few meters in front of a tree as he tested his gun and shot at the tree.

The death eaters sighed as Fearyn leaned her head on Mattheo's shoulder. Her gaze moved to Theodore, where there was a gap between him and Draco.

Pansy should be sitting there.

Fearyn still couldn't believe it. Her best friend was gone. Just gone to save her. These thoughts made the witch feel so bad that she was on the verge of tears again.

But she didn't want to break down in front of her friends again, so she looked over her shoulder to see what Atlas was doing.

He shot and shot. Perfect.

Fearyn had always wondered who he was. He wasn't from here, he wasn't a Death Eater, where was his wife? His family and friends?

The witch needed a distraction before she looked back at Pansy's empty seat and collapsed. So she gave Mattheo a little kiss on the lips, which confused him slightly as she got up and walked over to Atlas.

Mattheo looked after his wife as his sweet little soft look changed to a protective one.

He couldn't stand Atlas.

He came so suddenly, out of nowhere, and the problem was... they needed him. He was the only witch. And even if Mattheo didn't want to admit it, Atlas shot well.

"Jealous?" grinned Lorenzo in a teasing way as he sipped his water.

Mattheo didn't answer, he didn't even look at him. Only his eyes darkened as he watched them.

As Fearyn stepped closer to Atlas she tapped his shoulder after he shot the tree again.

The witch turned with a serious expression around, but as he saw it was Fearyn he smiled at her in a smirking way while moving the weapon away from her.

Silence fell between them, and Atlas saw how Fearyn was trapped in the thought of Pansy's death. He didn't want to see her like that. So tired, sad, and pale.

"Come here," whispered Atlas as he moved his weapon up to give it in Fearyn's hands.

The witch's eyes widened as she picked up the weapon and moved down a little because the weapon was very heavy. She had to keep her hands wide apart to keep it from falling forward or backward because it was so long.

Nevertheless, because it was so heavy, it moved forward slowly.

"Careful, princess." chuckled Atlas as he held the front of the weapon while Fearyn's hands were placed in the middle and at the end closer to her chest.

Atlas stood close to her as he wrapped his other arm around her to make sure the weapon was properly placed.

"Now, place your finger on the trigger..." the brown-haired one began to say as he placed her tentative finger on it.

"And now, shoot." he ended his sentence as he held the gun tighter and Fearyn shot perfectly into the middle of the tree.

The white-haired one smiled at him as she looked back at the tree and shot again.

"Don't freak out, Matty" laughed Theodore at him as he stood up to sit next to him.

Mattheo watched as Fearyn shot the tree, his jealousy growing even more. Atlas was holding her closer and Mattheo felt like he was about to explore.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Enough," he muttered to himself, then stood up suddenly, his fists clenched at his sides. "Fearyn, let's go for a walk."

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