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Draco, Lorenzo, Theodore, and Pansy sat together on a bench while Mattheo sat on the ground with Fearyn on his lap.

He stroked her hair away from her forehead while she was still unconscious. Mattheo took a deep breath and hoped she would wake up as soon as possible.

She had no injuries, she was not bleeding, and had no bruises.

Mattheo had the feeling that it might have been a shock, and he thought that it would happen to her again because he knew that this trip would be a disaster.

A magical strong crystal wasn't kept hidden somewhere unprotected, but Mattheo would do anything to protect her.

No matter what it had to be, he would bleed for her, suffer for her.

Die for her.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Pansy asked in a soft broken voice. She hated to see her best friend in such a state.

"Let's hope it happens soon," Lorenzo replied to Pansy as his gaze moved to Mattheo.

"And what do we do now? We have to keep looking for the crystal, who knows if Azar has already gone looking for him."

"Azar hasn't the book, and he is stupid. We have nothing to worry about." replied the Lord in a cold voice while his hand never stopped stroking Fearyn's hair.

"But, I wouldn't sit around, because firstly it's boring and secondly I want this fucking crystal," said Theodore, standing up while carrying his backpack.

"Theoooooo," groaned Draco as he also stood up, "but I agree. Who knows when she will wake up."

Mattheo leaned against a tree while looking at his wife, he heard Pansy sigh and noticed how even she stood up.

"I think we should keep going too. Mattheo, maybe she'll wake up soon," said Parkinson as she picked up her and Fearyn's backpacks.

The Lord rolled his eyes and looked at his wife again, nodding and standing up as he picked her up. "Then let's look for the crystal, find it, and then finally disappear."

"That's a good plan," said Theo with a smile as he started to jump through the forest.

Mattheo walked in front of his friends with Draco beside him, because Malfoy had the book in his hand.

While Pansy, Theodore, and Lorenzo walked behind them with their heads down.

"Do you think Fearyn will wake up today?" asked Pansy worriedly because Fearyn was unconscious for a long time.

Theodore looked at Parkinson from the side and swallowed, "Good question. Lorenzo?"

Berkshire gave him a puzzled look and sighed as he glanced over at Mattheo and Fearyn.

"She must be awake by evening," he replied while feeling very sure.

The Lord didn't listen to their conversation, he was too focused on his love.

He held her very close to his chest while kissing her head and whispering sweet things.

The friends continued to walk through the forest as the sun began to set.

Theodore started to groan after a long time, and sat down on the ground while saying "Guys let's take a break, my legs can't walk anymore."

Draco started to laugh as he turned to Theo and saw him sitting on the ground. "That weak?"

"Weak?" hissed Nott as he looked up at Draco. "You're about to see who's weak."

"You two are about to see who's weak." hissed the Lord as he turned to his friends. "We'll take a break. Alrig-."

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