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"So where's the exit now?" asked Theodore while he moved laughing back and forth.

Mattheo rolled his eyes and stopped walking which confused the Death Eater.

The Lord grabbed Theo's right shoulder and took his wand out "You're getting on my nerves" he whispered, moving the wand in front of his face.

Pansy looked confused at Mattheo and asked him quietly, "What are you doing?"

The Lord stopped moving his wand which made Theodore fall down.

Pansy yelled in shock and Mattheo sighed in annoyance, "Don't cry, I just had to make him sober."

The brown-haired girl sighed in relief and nodded.

When they heard a painful groan on the ground, the whole group looked down at Theodore who was waking up.

"Next time you can catch me," grumbled the Death Eater as he stood up in front of Mattheo.

"Nah, it's funnier this way," replied the Lord, and helped him to stand.

Theodore let a short laugh out while the group walked on.

The group walked through the hallways toward Azar's office which made Pansy stop, "Woah, woah why are we going to his office?"

Draco turned to the girl and replied, "There's a secret door that will take us outside."

"Wait what?" asked Theodore confused as he continued, "Has it always been there?"

Lorenzo shrugged with his shoulders and guessed, "I think Azar made that exit."

The Lord looked also confused and asked his two Death Eaters, "And how did you find that out?"

While Berkshire opened the door to Azar's office he answered, "For us was this the only logical explanation. Azar closed everything, but would he really lock himself up? Never."

"That makes sense," said Pansy while following Malfoy and Berkshire.

When the group entered the office, walked Berkshire the little stairs up to a bookshelf.

Everyone followed Lorenzo and were curious what he was going to do.

He took five books from the shelf out and gave them Draco. Lorenzo put his hand in the shelf and pulled on something.

It was a book, but it was fastened, Theodore went closer to the Death Eather and helped him to move this book.

The book didn't even look special, no special writing or other features. It was just a normal black book that the two of them pulled.

And suddenly there was a little click and the shelf moved.

Fearyn's and Theodore's eyes widened while Mattheo's eyes narrowed.

The group looked directly at the sky, the trees, and the wind blew in Pansy's and Fearyn's hair.

"Holy shit," whispered Theodore, watching Lorenzo walk outside.

The group followed him slowly and carefully.

They had to make sure that none of Azar's guards were outside.

Mattheo walked forward with his wand in his hand, his gaze cold and threatening while looking around.

His look became friendlier when he couldn't see anyone, he put his wand away and turned to his Death Eaters while asking, "Where's the book?"

Draco immediately put his bag on the ground and took the book out.

Mattheo sat down on the floor which made the others do the same.

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