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Mattheo sat on his bed with Fearyn in his arms. She was still sleeping while the Lord
stared smiling at the wall, and his hands caressed the witch's white hair.

Fearyn slept so long that the breakfast was already over. Mattheo knew she wouldn't wake up that fast, that's why he stood up to bring the breakfast to his room before Theodore ate it.

The Lord got in his Slytherin uniform and opened silently the door while he looked at his love and thought about how beautiful she was.

Mattheo went to the hall. His face changed fast to seriously as he began to see the Gryffindors or other students and teachers.

He entered the hall and walked straight with a grin to the Slytherin table after he saw his friends.

"There he is!" yelled Lorenzo while Theodore looked pissed because he wanted to eat Mattheo's breakfast.

"What took you so long and where is Fearyn?" asked Draco confused while the Lord was getting his and Fearyn's food.

"Fearyn is in my room" answered Mattheo and Pansy stood up and said, "Perfect, I wanted to go to her now anyway."

The brown-haired one raised his eyebrows and told the Slytherin "This is not possible."

The group looked confused at their Lord and Pansy asked, "Huh? Why?"


Fearyn's naked legs started to shake while Mattheo was on top of her and licked her entire neck.

The witch loved the feeling and held him by his shoulders while her mouth was opened, her eyes closed, and she listened to their heavy, hard breathing.

Mattheo wanted that her first time would be perfect.

He wanted to show her that he cared for her and loved her.

The brown-haired one began to make her more hickeys, while he felt that she started to twitch and leaned her head back with rolling eyes.

Mattheo will never forget this beautiful sight.


"She is a little sick." lied Mattheo to the Parkinson and walked away.

The Lord opened silently the door and saw that his love slowly woke up.

Fearyn looked around and started to smile lovely at her husband when she saw him with their breakfast.

"Good morning" whispered the brown-haired one while putting the food on the night table and he jumped on the bed to hug his wife.

The witch hugged back and felt how Mattheo kissed her forehead after he pulled a little away to grab himself an apple.

Fearyn also gave him a little kiss on the cheek and slowly got up to take her uniform off the floor and she went to the bathroom.

She puts her underwear on while looking at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes widened, and she walked shocked out of the bathroom to Mattheo who looked in a book while eating his apple.

The witch grabbed his book and the Lord was briefly shocked by her behavior. He looked overwhelmed at his wife but began to grin when he saw her hickeys.

Mattheo bit arrogantly in his apple while he looked at Fearyn's shocked face.

"You look so beautiful my love," said the brown-haired one with full mouth.

Fearyn's mouth opened and she squeezed her eyebrows together. The hickeys she had were so many, and she had nothing with which she could cover it up.

Suddenly they heard how someone come in without knocking and said, "Fearyn how are- AH!" screamed the Nott and covered his eyes. "My eyes don't deserve this! Guys, we need to go back!"

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