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"And now?" asked Theodore and stared confused at the book.

The group was in Mattheo's room and had no idea what to do know.

Pansy and Fearyn were sitting on Mattheo's bed, Lorenzo was leaning against the wall while the Lord was standing, holding the book and Theodore was next to him.

The whole room was quiet, everyone was in their thoughts wondering what Azar wanted to do with it.

Their heads turned to the door after they heard a knock, and Mattheo walked slowly to the door with his wand.

The friends looked in Mattheo's direction, hoping it wasn't Fellowes, Fearyn already put nervously her hand on Pansy, and she feels like she was going to have a panic attack.

But after the door opened, it was just Draco who said angrily "Because of you I almost had detention"

"Yeah almost" answered Nott smiling while putting his arm around his friend. Draco rolled his eyes at the Death Eater and looked curious at the Lord "And did you find something?"

"Yeah, this book" answered Mattheo and Malfoy walked nearer to him, "And what does it say?

"We haven't looked inside yet," said Lorenzo and walked to Mattheo who put the book on the bed and sat down next to Fearyn.

The other boys stood beside the bed and the Lord opened slowly the book.

Everyone looked curious at the green book but after Mattheo opened it their faces changed to confused.

"What the fuck is this?" asked Theodore aggressively while he kneeled in front of the bed to take a closer look.

The book had pictures or little drawings, but there weren't sentences or words.

"Is that a another language or something?" questioned the Nott and Lorenzo looked at him like he was completely dumb. "What the? No Theo these are little drawings, no letters."

"Oh." realized the Death Eaters and Mattheo tried to hold his laugh, "Ok love, do you know what this is?" asked the husband and gave the book to his wife.

Fearyn took it carefully and flipped through the pages, but she had no idea.

Great, now they have to figure it out for themselves.

"But these drawings, could tell us what the book wants to say," said Pansy and took the book from the witch and everyone looked at the drawings.

"Well I see a woman" answered Lorenzo, but Pansy corrected him sternly, "A witch"

"Okay a witch" replied Lorenzo with widened eyes and looked back at the book. Fearyn sighed, but the drawings looked so familiar to her as if she had seen this before.

"Well I have no idea," said Draco and wrapped his arms in front of his chest.

Mattheo sighed frustrated and closed the book. The whole room was quiet again, and the group thought about what to do now.

"Maybe we should go to the library for... translation?" asked Theodore confused and wasn't sure if something like these drawings had a translation.

"For me, it doesn't look like this has a translation, I think we have to solve it ourselves" answered Pansy and looked up at Theo who took a deep breath.

Mattheo stood up and pulled the book in his bag while he said, "We definitely can't let the book out of our sight, it seems to be important, and it has something to do with Azar's plans."

"I will take the book with me all the time, so if you think about something that could help, the book is with me." ended the Lord his sentence and everyone nodded.

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