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"What do you mean here is something in Hogwarts?" asked the Lord and looked confused at Lorenzo while he walked around the Slytherin common room.

The Death Eater looked at Mattheo and answered "I don't know, Azar said that Fearyn's mother hid something here."

This sentence confused the group even more ― what was so important to do this at Hogwarts?

Theodore's eyes went to Fearyn, he was curious if she knew something.

"Fearyn do you know what your mother could hide here?"

The witch looked up to the Death Eater and shook her head. The whole group sighed at Fearyn's answer and had no idea what to do now.

"I think we should go to our rooms and see what happens," replied Lorenzo and everyone nodded while they stood up from the green couch.

"Okay, we will see us in the hall," answered Mattheo and took Fearyn's hand.

The group walked into their dorms and the Lord thought about Azar again. It drives him crazy that he didn't know his plans.

And apparently he thought so hard about it that he noticed his wife's hand that waved in front of his face.

Mattheo turned his head to his love and Fearyn looked at him with worry. He thought how sweet she was when she was worried about him, but he didn't want that so he smiled at her and gave her a little kiss on her head.

The which didn't really react to his smile and walked straight to his closet to get out a T-shirt of him, because Fearyn didn't have any clothes, so she had to get Mattheo's.

The brown-haired always thought about the first time she stood in front of him, so dirty and he really had the feeling that she only had one sweater over the years.

Fearyn went to his bed and lay herself down while Mattheo did the same. He had been wearing a black T-shirt and sweatpants the whole time, so he didn't change.

As always, he took his wife in his arms when they went to sleep and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

The husband turned to the lamp and turned it off while he pulled Fearyn closer to him and hid his face in her hair.

The next morning when the group was in the hall, Fearyn didn't eat ― she just stared at her breakfast and didn't dare to look at her father.

Her husband noticed that and caressed her back while he looked at Lorenzo who was still confused and curious about what Azar said.

Mattheo looked back at Fearyn again and whispered in her ear, "Love you need to eat," but the witch didn't respond.

The Lord began to worry, she didn't sleep that night, and in the morning the witch wouldn't stand up from his bed.

The Riddle sighed and gave a death stare to Azar but he didn't notice that.

After Professor McGonagall shouted that the breakfast ended, Mattheo and his friends stood up to walk quickly away.

Theodore ran in front of his friends and had an idea how to find Azar's secret out.

"Guys what if we break into Azar's office?"

"Wait, wait, wait" answered Pansy and stopped walking "You want to break into Azar's office?"

"Yeah that's pretty dangerous" replied Lorenzo but Pansy screamed, "I love the idea!"

Berkshire looked at her like she was crazy, and Draco answered "I mean what would happen?"

"Fellowes would kill us that will happen" answered Lorenzo and didn't keep his eyes on the brown-haired girl. "Oh please Berkshire you're overreacting"

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